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Member Since:May 04, 2007
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Honda WRV 2019 digipad issues
Reviewed Honda WR-V 2017
I purchased HONDA WRV a year ago and have the issues with the Digipad infotainment system Firstly, I was in the impression and was told that it has Digipad2 Read more...
Reviewed Club Factory
Club factory is a big scam app never buy, products are worth selling on road side. NO customer support No contact number You will find several customer supRead more...
Reviewed Redbus
Hello All, REDBUS is fooling people. firstly, they do not show all the different travels or popular buses, Secondly fake reviews and lastly refund polices aRead more...
Problematic bike
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
I am using a RTR 160 Apache totally unsatisfied with the bikes performance have many problems from Day 1. - Constant knocking in fork, - Engine noise, - ChainRead more...
Videocon Maano ya na mano 32"PLASMA TV offer scam
Reviewed d2h
Complaint Details:- I have purchased a Videocon jumbo 34 flat CTV under the MAANO YA NA MAANO OFFER on 6-03-2008 from BABA ELECTRONICS DAMLE COMPLEX, STATIONRead more...
Service problme worst machine
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Euroclean Bullet
NEVER BUY any products from Eureka because all products are substandard- you will never get service.  I bought the bullet machine in 2008 by giving back the oRead more...
Don't take this, hp services is hopeless
Reviewed HP Pavilion DV2046TU
I, Dr. Vijaykumar S. Kamat Medical director and online consultant for BIOGETICA USA based online health portal, website; www.biogetica.com. Would like to brinRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sujish92's review
False, there is no substitute to natural food. Anything packed has preservatives and toxic chemicals
Rated on sujish92's review
Commented on annukamra257's review
Writing reviews for own website, everyone knows dealclear is a scam sending cheap fake products
Commented on punhmp100686's review
You are absolutely right
Rated on rohitsharma181019's review
Rated on kkram's review
Commented on mspratap's review
Complaint Details:- I have purchased a Videocon jumbo 34 flat CTV under the MAANO YA NA MAANO OFFER on 6-03-2008 from BABA ELECTRONICS DAMLE COMPLEX, STATION ROAD, KHANAPUR. BELGAUM. Under this scheme I am entitled for a scheme of MAANO YA NA MAANO OFFER , where I am supposed to get a plasma 32” i Read More...
Rated on mspratap's review
Commented on arijit911's review
Dishtv tariff is quite high and quality very poor compared to other service providers, If you delay your payments even by 1 day they charge you Rs 25 (shahrukh fees!) You don't get the option for individual channels, minimum tarrif is also very high compared to other products. Compare other produc Read More...
Rated on arijit911's review
Commented on own review
Thank you for taking care to respond. I would like to inform you that the machine is not withing warranty period now. My address is - Plot no 2647, Sector 12, M. M Extension Belgaum-590016 Karnataka Ph; +919886692767
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