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Member Since:Oct 01, 2008
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Tragedy of terrors!!
Reviewed Barclays Bank Visa Credit Card
I had the misfortune of owning(and disowning) a barclaycard last year.....I still laugh at myself n curse my fate for the inauspicious moment when I signed upRead more...
High and DRi10
Reviewed Hyundai i10
IÂ read many reviews on this site before I decided on my first car, I thot I couldnt go wrong, but alas.. my i10, 1.1 LÂ (D lite) has left me wondering if the 1Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on vivekksharma8's review
this is bull*h*t and absolute nonsense!!take a hike dude!!
Commented on nitu4all143's review
Do u think we are morons here to believe u!!
Commented on devijay's review
Keep ur silly thoughts to urself dude...cmon im not logging in to listen to this gyan!!!!
Commented on Kweldebs's review
Nice review!!! like the way ur words come strait frm the dil!!
Commented on kahfess's review
Thanks a ton for this info....Im sure so many people have benefitted reading this.God bless u for the good deed
Rated on kahfess's review
Commented on own review
I had big purchases to do anyways amit, i dint spend to get that 500 rupee diamond!!! but then when they talk about big things n dont deliver, it hurts!!
Rated on Sureshjethwani's review
Rated on artselvam's review
Rated on narinder68's review
Commented on omkarb's review
Ur comments are tooo too too too too too too long. hehe..i think ur talkin about some chinese model...
Commented on Techno_geek's review
Mr subramanya, im from blore too....im using an IFB senator, but i am using it with an extension cord(Slightly heavy duty ) ...do u suggest i switch to MCB?du know anyone who can install that MCB, i stay near RT nagar...i don wanna cause damage to my machine..
Rated on qumar's review
Commented on Anup15478's review
Well written..straight from the heart, but then...seems like ur a rich man..1000 rs a month..though not a great issue to worry about is still good savings!!12000/yr x 6yrs(avg life of car) saves 72000Rs. Final word is..it depends on people how they think....Great job mate!!
Commented on muthutmm's review
How can u write a comment on Mileage when its ur frens car???U r misleading ppl...most ppl i know are getting 10-12 only in city limits!
Rated on muthutmm's review
Nothing in specific has been mentioned..all general nice stuff has been written
Rated on MohanHG's review
Commented on MohanHG's review
Mohan_u forgot to talk bout the mileage....ru gettin above 13?im in blore too..im only getting 10-11kmpl.
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