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Member Since:Jul 22, 2011
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Company & CEO Arun Batra are CHEATS
Reviewed Matrix Mobile Operator
I came to US 2 months back. My biggest mistake was to take a Matrix sim card from Dehi Airport. I just wanted to use it for one week and their executive had tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on ashutosh.bapat's review
Chk this.. and also my review on how I got my money back from Matrix. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36008383/Matrix.docx
Rated on ashutosh.bapat's review
Commented on own review
An update on my issue - i had disputed the charge on my credit card and sent my bank a printed copy of the issues against Matrix. After 2 months, dispute has been in my favour and now I dont owe them anything. So if you are struggling with Matrix charge on your card, just dispute it and send your ba Read More...
Commented on drmmittal's review
I disputed the charge of Rs. 13000 on my credit card with my bank. I sent them a document which you can find in my review. After 2 months the dispute has been in my favour because they took an authorisation of Rs. 5000 and charged Rs. 13000. Now I dont pay them anything. That document is in a dropbo Read More...
Commented on RGAUR420's review
Their CEO is aware of the issue and is a party to these intentional frauds. They will overcharge and then offer some refund. This is their modus operandi. But I will teach them a lesson. Already in the process of taking the legal route. Plus am posting a document full of complaints on the web, writt Read More...
Commented on om161982's review
Another example of fraud by matrix. I have written to the Director of TRAI about my issue.
Commented on Akshay_Sharma's review
They are big time cheats with zero concern for customers. Chk the no. of complaints against them. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36008383/Matrix.docx
Rated on Akshay_Sharma's review
@matrix_makessense First of all I am not giving your company a feedback. That I have discussed with your CEO and there has been no reaction to my last mail. Second, this is my review of your company and how you are cheating customers. What your people should have done is to inform customers Read More...
Commented on Arvinder123's review
this is their CEO's email id - arun@matrix.in i wrote to him but no use..i am planning to send them a legal notice once i return to India..
Rated on Arvinder123's review
you are right sbsuresh..they just charge your card without any intimation..i disputed the charge against them..awaiting the result.
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