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Member Since:Sep 23, 2001
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Are U Listening 2 WORLDSPACE?
Reviewed World Space
“Better than FM”. That’s the sale pitch that these guys used, but I guess its spot on. Beaming radio from satellite sounded too imaginary, bRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on smv95's review
Your story of woes is something most mumbaikars are familiar with when it comes to Reliance. People like us who own legitimate properties in Mumbai having been coughing up huge power bills(reliance has revised its prices 3 times in last one year) but reliance seems to do nothing about the electricit Read More...
Commented on Groom's review
Groom...its a good review on the car giving the finest details. I took a test drive too on a 2 km stretch and did 5 rounds. The car's got amazing handling and the doesn't run outa steam when you drive against the slope with the AC on. The interiors are A class and its got wider tyres than the Santro Read More...
Rated on Groom's review
Commented on jaya's review
Yes!!! Jaya i agree with u cause i know a lot bot the ISP bizness as im in the industry. But my suggestion is try HATHWAY or SPEEDMELON for cable internet services. They r gud, much better than incable net and win. try it out and lemme know. Arios ED
Commented on soniya's review
Gud that u've read the book. it seems to b incomplete like the other lady said. But it was a gud attempt cause its not easy to review books. Try n b more elaborate and specific in yr reviews. Arios, ED
Rated on alpha's review
Commented on alpha's review
Hey!!! Alpha, i guess u need to take some lessons on writing reviews, cause it seems like this is yr first review. This is no way of writing a review, if u aint got anything to write, then just shut the F*** up. If u really wanna shout, then try STREET TALK on www.espnstar.com, may b they'll publish Read More...
Commented on hitenrmehta's review
hey!!!! hiten, that was quiet an unconventional review on a much required topic. i to im a smoker, not a chain one though. i was seeking some advise on quitting this filthy habit as im still 24 and would b a good idea to do it right now, especially after the new supreme court rules. but i think ur r Read More...
Commented on replayyy's review
hey!!!! i think hes one of those fast bowlers with a big heart, the never say die kinda man. And its sad he isnt coming to India along with the English team to get white washed. I wanted to c him contest with the Indian batsmen, especially Tendulkar as they both played for the same county @ some poi Read More...
Commented on amrita's review
Hey!!!! i wholly agree with wat u say. i think its one of those kissass hotels in Mumbai, thats brot the city to disrepute. But as Sahil says, u can try Orchids thats got gr8 ambience, plush interiors but i certainly wouldn't recommend the food. the food sux big time cause i visit the place once eve Read More...
Commented on reviewer's review
Hey!!!! Mate i agre with wat u write. i too have some pleasnt memories of the Silicon City cause i did my schooling there in a boarding school. Its definitely rocking and its got a huge resource of intellectual property. The weather's gr8 not the sticky kind that v have @ Mumbai. Its the rt place to Read More...
Commented on aniruddha28's review
Hey!!! Sherlock, not bad a review. Khandala is a good weekend getaway for mumbaites from the maddening crowd and noise of the city.Reashing there on Saturday nites and returning back on sunday would b a good option. Voila, its a must visit place if u wana enjoy good landscape and scenic natural beau Read More...
Commented on TallPaul73's review
I go with wat u say, though im still not convinced wiht the title of ur review. As i feel its a li'l 2 gross to b used on mouthshut, but i repect ur views. The movie's been made well and keeps u glued to the seat most of the time. Its good hardcore action, infact a very new kinda stuff. Infact, i'd Read More...
Commented on teena_sri's review
i dont totally agree with u. i feel this guy, ganguly is phenomenol in the shorter version of the game, but is not all that destructive in the longer version. Stats very much show that as hes vulnerable to the short stuff. i dont find him technically equipped for the longer version, but i guess he s Read More...
I totally agree with u. Its aint the rt place to b. The Crowd's bad and so is the music. The management there knows nuts bot hospitality.
Followed asyis
Commented on alkuma's review
my dear friend alkuma, dont feel so bad bot having bot a VIDEOCON. u'd b sobbing 6 months down the line cause i guess u aint aware that AIWA has stopped production worldwide. where would u got after sales service. As it is Baron is known for dumping products in to India @ cheap prices. As far as af Read More...
I agree with wat u say Amrita. The TATAs know only bot ethics, but have no clue bot cutomer relationship management. In such a competitive ISP market, u ought to know ur product well (atleast make an effort to know) and respond quickly to customer wants. Blaming, lack of knowledge and information on Read More...
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Ownergy Co (@Digital_ReviewerMouthShut Verified Member)
Shilpa Gupta (@shilpagupta6798MouthShut Verified Member)
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Pravash Pujari (@pravashpujariMouthShut Verified Member)
Ananta Kr. Roy (@krinnovateMouthShut Verified Member)
Hemasagar Menti Pspk (@rambaimenti123MouthShut Verified Member)
Guru Singh (@guruxxx7557MouthShut Verified Member)
MouthShut.com (@MouthShut_OfficialMouthShut Verified Member)
AnikMehta007 (@AnikMehta007MouthShut Verified Member)
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Siddharth Singhal (@siddharthsinghal1MouthShut Verified Member)
Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)
Mukesh Gupta (@mukeshguptaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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Anuj Sharma (@biggi15MouthShut Verified Member)
Minati Behera (@minatimeisterMouthShut Verified Member)