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Member Since:Jan 14, 2003
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Education: B.E. (Electronics)
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Updated: Smooth as silk, powerful mythical horse
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Updateof my previous review. This one is after I got my bike. -------------------------------------- At last... I got my new Unicorn. Can anybody really beRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on kspv's review
Commented on ssnair's review
I just got my uni serviced (3rd). I asked the fellow about the vibration in the front fairing and rear. he said.. .just wait for 10-15 days. Honda plans to call back all unicorn's and replace the front fairing and rear panel free of cost. Well if it is true... Hats off to Honda. Have you ever s Read More...
Rated on 0pynyon8d's review
Commented on ckkmohan's review
I have a Jan 05 Unicorn, Grey, 1070Km, First service over. I have the same problem.. when you quickly move from 5 to 2, the gear just sticks. WOrks only if I release the clutch a bit. Will probably rectified in 2nd service.
Rated on ckkmohan's review
Commented on aquashankar's review
This was one of the very well written reviews I have read in months... Good one. Keep it up. Cheers Amit
Rated on aquashankar's review
Commented on sudarsh's review
Well... well... Engine noise... It worries me if it makes a noise after just 1 month??? My bike is getting delivered in Jan?? Having 2nd thoughts!!
Commented on khushiks's review
Hey that was a nice review... However I do not agree with your statement..'who drives at 80kph in city'. I used to think ike this a couple of years back. Any machine when run to it's max limit will never be very efficient and burn out faster. So if you want to buy a bike which can cruise nicely at Read More...
Commented on vikram_vinu's review
Pulsar is good no doubt (but not as smooth as unicorn)... Also reliability is the key factor. Bajaj products proven to be un-reliable... in the long run. First couple of years would be great..but u will dread it after that, on the other hand.. Honda with a superior and refined engine will still run Read More...
Commented on maddyacker's review
At least you could book it. In my case, I have been trying to book it. nad my number in he booking queue is so far away that I have'nt been able to book buddy. I suggest that you forget about the bike and the booking. Don't buy pulsar. this way u'll feel very nice when the dealer calls you afte Read More...
Commented on own review
I am glad that most of u found the review useful...[My first review...actually ;)] Cheers! Amit
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