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Member Since:Jun 08, 2003
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I'm doing my final year BE Mech in PESIT Bangalore. Bikes , Cars, Computers and Gaming
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Education: BE Mech
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Legendary FPS
Reviewed Best Ten Computer Games
Actually, writing a review in this section is quite difficult. How do you definebest games? You see, if we take a short period of time, like one yRead more...
Guide for buying a new PC
Reviewed Buying a Computer
Nowadays, buying a new PC/Laptop or even advising people on how to do it is extremely common. Everybody who has a computer upgrade it from time to time or buyRead more...
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintainence ?
Reviewed Maintaining a New Bike
Well, its been some time since I wrote about biking, so I thought I would just add a few words. First about maintainence. You see, when you buy a new bike, Read more...
The Cheetah
Reviewed Kawasaki KB 100
Well, this review is dedicated to my dear old KB 100. This bike was shown to be a cheetah on TV. So what was this bike all about ? Here are the specificationsRead more...
Choosing Bikes in the Indian Market (Second Blood
Reviewed Twenty Best Bikes
Well, Im not very sure that the first review wasaccepted by all. Furthermore, the topic was too big to fit in one review. People commented oRead more...
Wind Biking
Reviewed Bajaj Wind 125
Well, when I wanted to buy a bike sometime ago (November 2003 to be precise), I was looking for a bike with decent looks,mileage and decent power.My first bikRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on aludirms's review
It actually depends on your requirement. I'm guessing that you don't 'game' a lot.So a Sempron would be good enough. But the point is that you'll get an AMD 64bit processor+motherboard for a little more money which would be worth it in the long run. Especially if Microsoft comes up with a 64 bit OS Read More...
Commented on bezil's review
Nice review mate. The only new bike missing was the GLX125 from TVS. Is it available in Nepal ? Since you considered the YBX, how about the Wind 125 and Ambition in the next review ?
Rated on bezil's review
Commented on gowtham_n_1988's review
Splendor - 12 kmpl ? Centra 144 kmpl ? Have you ever heard of checking mileage on a 'reserve to reserve' basis. You're obviously checking mileage based on your fuel gauge which is probably nuts.
Commented on Rohit_Roy's review
Well, you say you're not biased. But look at it. First thing is that you've posted the review in the wrong section. Second thing is that even in your first review about the Fiero FX, you've written a whole para about how bad the Pulsar is. Same thing here. Why? Some personal grudge against Pulsar? Read More...
Rated on p_fx's review
Rated on lausdeolynd's review
Commented on hp00968's review
Your review was BANG ON TARGET. Seriously. But now, the CT100 is selling like hot cakes and has recently overtaken Splendor in the monthly sales. Maybe, people are growing brains. Can't imagine why HH bikes are so much more expensive and people still buy them .
Commented on shaa05's review
Ur review is too small dude. You've just expressed your opinion or 'first' views based on a week. Please update after 2nd service.
Commented on anilkpandey's review
The review - excellent . The formatting - terrible .
Rated on davidsarah's review
Commented on s_borkhedkar's review
You were right that this was the first bike in the 125cc segment. But it failed cause it didn't have enough mileage and enough power. So you were getting the bad out of both worlds.
Commented on deon_hether's review
This review does not help anyone in any way dude.Its not even properly readable.
Commented on own review
You see, have you read the first para of the review carefully? I have specified that you cannot compare cross genre games. Because I like strategy games better than racing games, I can say that Warcraft 3 is better than NFSUG. But this comparision cannot be done. So NFS is out of the question. BTW, Read More...
There were a lot more releases of FPS games like Return to castle Wolfenstein,Wolfenstein 3D,Duke Nukem 3D, Sin,NOLF, Blood 2,Medal of Honour, Soldier of Fortune etc. All these games are played and liked.But NONE of them can be compared to the MIGHT of the above mentioned series of games. Your ra Read More...
4. Quake Series It was a brave move by id software to dump their then popular Doom series and go for a new Quake series. They had to fight off a huge number of popular 3-D games made by Apogee like Duke Nukem 3D,Rise of the Triad and other games like Hexen,Heretic,Blood etc. But with the release Read More...
Commented on JaganBarbosa's review
your views were entirely personal. So many people may disagree with you. But this section is controversial anyways.
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