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Member Since:Feb 05, 2001
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And you though it was all about food???
Reviewed Turquoise Cottage From The Orient - Vasant Vihar - Delhi
If you want to bump into college buddies from B school etc., this is the place.... Located at 2 levels, the first is the sit-down restaurant serving Thai foRead more...
Mauler & Rogue - risque
Reviewed Moulin Rouge Movie
This is not the story of Sardine (the incubator) or of Crotchian (dot commer with an idea) as other reviews may have you believe.....but its about a famous Read more...
Tom Robbins. John Irving et al
Reviewed Ten Best Authors / Poets
Somehow really really rating best authors is quite a tough job.here are a few of my favourites: Tom Robbins-Â Â Amazing, wild, rollicking, hyperbolic - thats tRead more...
This orange is no lemon
Reviewed Palio - Petrol
Well...i was amongst the first to book tha Palio (the day it was launched) and was driving it the next day!!! (boy was I thrilled) Its an excellent car - stuRead more...
Dont miss....
Reviewed Gangtok
This is an absolutely WOW place....scenic beauty, long tree lined roads, good treks and a beautiful view of the mountains... I had been there with friends fRead more...
I chagrin and bear it.....
Reviewed Cosmopolitan
This is a total time pass magazine, which makes no bones about being non intellectual or lacking in seriousness.... It is fairly uninhibited in its content Read more...
Reviewed Femina
There was this time in the seventies and eighties (or so my mother tells me) when every independent/working/ intelligent woman had a hand bag on arm and a FeRead more...
Freshlimesoda and some time pass
Reviewed Freshlimesoda
This is a bubbly refreshing site (could hane been called champagnecaviar as well except that then it would have a more houte couture Read more...
Old world Charm...
Reviewed Jodhpur
Jodhpur - worth a visit!!! Umaid Bhawan Palace is a must see as well as a must stay - the luxurious surrounding, the awesome construction, the warmth and hoRead more...
Worth a check out
Reviewed Ruby Tuesday - Connaught Place - Delhi
In CP shopping or want to grab a quick bite during office hours? check out Ruby T. The place is decent in terms of the offering (booze available too) the sRead more...
Reviewed Poison
Really heady fragrance - seductive - confident -woman about town appeal. Lovely for parties and a romantic evening out - clearly for the night. Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
i put feet !!!!! motogod says it all...... and i cannot say more except that comments less than 10 words are not accepted
What can i say to that???!!! In the same vein perhaps 'masterji' also suggests that women cant use/write about computers, medicine, electronic gadgets perhaps?.... i eagerly await further comments from the 'masterji'- its a wonderful perspective on the 17th century...what better way to get history l Read More...
Rated on jeeee's review
Hi Cousin 2 - will defy do that....please let me know what other info you are looking for and will fill in the details
my apologies...... actually i was tripping on this review ...but will in future, try to be less enigmatic....appreciate your views... and Sunil - thanks.. will do just that!!!! heh heh.....
Still oging great guns...no problems yet... havent gone for servicing - so that will be a milestone - but i would recommend this car to anyone!
you may want to check out Vivek automobiles- they seem more competent. Sanmati had me running up the wall. i had tons of hassles getting the care, the number plate, still dont have the RC book. etc...
ok i add him too (like i said - i'll keep adding) actually he's very good....'Mammaries of the welfare state' was pretty enjoyable!!!
well thanks Lora! Here's Cheers to the Palio - may it give us good mileage!
actually i subscribed to get the free travel bag - but its so hopelessly branded that i dare not use it ;-) but know what - I can gift it off to someone and finally get my money's worth!!!
Rated on cuchillo99's review
Rated on vwadiyar's review
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