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Member Since:Oct 09, 2003
0 MS Points
I am a software professional, with literary inclinations. Reading, a bit of writing, movies, PG Wodehouse.
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Education: BE
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A feel-good love story with an underlying message
Reviewed 2 States The Story Of My Marriage - Chetan Bhagat
Before going into a more objective analysis of the book, let me convey an overall impression – it’s a very well written and even more readable book, and a bitRead more...
Film that makes you go, "Whoo!!"
Reviewed Basic Instinct Movie
I finally saw Basic Instinct. WHOO!!! It was kind of an uncut version, and as I said, “WHOO !!” Man, now I know what it means when a bad girl re-adjusts her lRead more...
Quite captivating and thrilling - King rules!!
Reviewed Pet Sematary - Stephen King
Stephen King completed writing this book, and decided to read it after six weeks of “ageing”. He found the book so terrifying, (he says, “.this time I had croRead more...
Stay away from this card if you value your sanity
Reviewed Tata Card
I wish there was a rating ZERO that was available here. Because that is what this card deserves. You will keep paying, Tata Card will always say they haven’tRead more...
A fast paced book - captures your attention
Reviewed Cell - Stephen King
This was the first Stephen King book I read (I had been meaning to read one of his books for quite some time, but never got around to it until now), and I thiRead more...
Good book, not quite Brf History of Time, though
Reviewed Theory of Everything, The - Stephen Hawking
This book is quite good if you want to know about what the theories about the origin of the universe had been, and what is the prevailing line of quest of theRead more...
A good read for anyone - not just managers!!
Reviewed Straight from the Gut - Jack Welch
I wanted to read this book ever since I started working at GE. I had heard legends about this guy, and I was really impressed with GE work culture. I finally Read more...
See the humor in everyday
Reviewed Three Men In a Boat - Jerome K Jerome
I was reading all the reviews written here about this book, and here is my 2-bit: Three men in a Boat is an extremely humorous book. The USP of this book - oRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Eddnil's review
Rated on DESPRADO's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the size of the book is a bit intimidating. 465 pages. :-) Here is the another review i got from amazon(amazon.com) for this book: ============ For most families, moving is a new beginning. But for the Creeds, it could be the beginning of the end. Because they Read More...
Rated on harrypotter's review
Rated on Parthsamai's review
Rated on s_tom_2007's review
Commented on s_tom_2007's review
I think we should somehow make Ratan Tata aware of the fraudulent things Tata Card does to Tata employees!
Commented on nayakan's review
Excellently done review. The way you have objectively broken down your review into specific parameters, it seems that you must've had an excel hidden somewhere, with weightages and ratings!
Rated on nayakan's review
Commented on moviezombie's review
Your reviews are quite objective - not hardcore opiniated or judgemental. Keep it up. Dhoom I was rather nice, and hearing of Hrithik's stunts that surpass Krrish's, my family says we must go watch this one. But I would be spending only Rs. 100/- per ticket now, having read this review :-). Read More...
Rated on moviezombie's review
Thanks, Moviezombie! I was trying to decide which Stephen King book to pick next : I've heard rave reviews about Cujo, and you've seconded it - so I think I'll go with that.
Followed moviezombie
Commented on preetsinghasr's review
It is important that we know the price we are paying for 'free' software. Your account is an eye openener, to say the least!! I was aware that many of the free stuff might be spyware, but I didn't know which ones are, and which ones aren't. And I think that is a problem faced by the average computer Read More...
Commented on dmahesh01's review
In fact, he was so fed up, he said he'd close the account, and called the 'toll free number'. After which, he was asked to cough up Rs. 500/- as administrative charges or something - since he wanted to close his account.
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Hari Prasad (@rachahariprasad144MouthShut Verified Member)
Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
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Manoj Kumar (@GreenDartMouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
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Manish Singh (@Manish199MouthShut Verified Member)
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