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Member Since:Apr 19, 2009
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Fame Lido experience
Reviewed INOX Lido - Off MG Road - Bangalore
The recently upgraded projection system is fantastic. I watched INVICTUS Â in Fame Lido and I must say that it is the best picture quality I have ever seen so Read more...
Leather Sofas
Reviewed Karlsson Leather - Bangalore
Just thought of sharing my experience of shopping for a leather sofa set for my new home in Bangalore. After visiting various showrooms zeroed in on Karlsson Read more...
Shama travels Volvo services - Bangalore
Reviewed Shama Transport - Chennai
I travelled by the Shama Travels volvo from Cochin to Bangalore on April 17, 2009. The bus left cochin at 9 PM. After about 5 hours of travel, they stopped thRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on doomsdayM's review
Nice review and I agree it is a nice place with great music and good food. Prefer it to TGIF any day !
Commented on vsreejith's review
So Sreejith whats the moral of the story? Irrespective of what you read online, you need to check out things for yourself. And think before passing wise cracks on my reviews.
Sreejith no one goes to the Leela for value. It is a luxury hotel and not for people who are looking for value and cheaper Indian wine. And since you gave such a detailed review against them are you a disgruntled employee or working for another hotel?
Commented on own review
Back from hiatus from here and I see this. Dude Sreejith if don't want to go by what I say that it is okay but keep your wise cracks to yourself. And even if my opinion is 'marketing material' so what? People will have to see for themselves anyway what they buy instead of going by some review on the Read More...
Commented on prateek.narula123's review
Airlines have policies and in this case you flew a code shared airline not Kingfisher, and that must be the issue.
Commented on sanjai.velayudhan's review
I agree. Kingfisher provides the best quality and service at this time.
Commented on abs1982's review
Ezone is a large electronics supermarket like big bazaar. And value irrespective of price may or may not be good. Guys its always better to go to a smaller store which specializes in a particular product. Much better service and quality will be assured. Looks like from all the complaints Ezone canno Read More...
Commented on santokris's review
Yes it is just a store policy and I do not think this means they do not care for customers. And in India with low margins they cannot afford to employ educated and well trained sales people. After we are very price sensitive.
Commented on ChiragDH's review
True, SONY is a very reliable quality brand and they are coming up with 3D TV's also in the near future.
Commented on drpravi's review
Good review and my experience with SKS automobiles Bangalore is very good. I think they are the best Mahindra dealer in Bangalore now and have a good service back up.
Rated on drpravi's review
Commented on nishant.g1's review
I am sorry but I do not like the idea of the national anthem being played in a movie theatre. It loses its sanctity in a setting like a cinema.
Commented on neo8's review
Dude all rich kids are not fat. And what did you find bad about Vijay Mallya's character? Did you deal with him? Let us not make personal attacks. I agree that KF is an excellent airline and is my preferred airline.
Commented on rauf_fe's review
True about the marketing but Kingfisher ULTRA is in my opinion a very good beer.
Commented on malay_biswal's review
TCS does not recognize good work? How did you conclude that? So TCS is average does not meet your expectations then does the company you work for now meet it? I have met people who work for TCS and they have a positive experience.
Yes I think Airtel is the most reliable and at least have a decent response. Some how BSNL is poor on service even now.
malay_biswal what else are we Indians other than a bunch of cynics. I just read another review on Karlsson car seats by one sudhir madan here. So that must be fake too? But this is a free country and you are entitled to your opinion.
Followed sudhirmadan
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Abhishek2019 (@Abhishek2019MouthShut Verified Member)
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JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)
Devi Mounika (@mounikadevi765MouthShut Verified Member)
Pankaj Kumar (@Pankaj0432MouthShut Verified Member)
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)