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Member Since:Apr 14, 2009
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Reviewed Honda City 1.5L i-VTEC
Im trying to delete my original blog, but didnt find any option to delete, so leaving my blog with some basic comments. Its has very powerfRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
@yz12 It's not silly comments, spent hard earned money of Rs10Lakhs to buy this car, and now struggling to drive the vehicle and not getting support from Dealer/Honda to fix the problem. Really frausted a lot and finally writting this review.. otherwise why should I need to do this for my loved c Read More...
Rated on mkrpillai's review
Rated on dinakar555's review
Rated on arvind_k's review
Commented on arvind_k's review
A complete false information... top speed 180, 25.2 with speed above120...lots of nice cooked stories... We are not fools to hear all these stories... We know what's made for what and the price.. With a perfect driver Swift can easily beat Scorpio, but can't close to verna fludic.
Rated on bitsman123's review
Commented on bitsman123's review
@swiftlover: buddy youdon't know the fact...?In the international market, your maruti suzuki and Tata brand have same value...only in India they both are able to manage, nothing wrong in comparing vista and swift as both has got same engine, cost, features... be cool. Indeed Tata brand has more in Read More...
Rated on krg.sati's review
Rated on mrkunalgupta's review
Rated on nil4uin's review
Commented on nil4uin's review
@shailesh1811 : the vehicle you have specified here for the comparision is all totally different segment vehicles... they all MUV/SUV, and the purpose of MUV/SUV is totally different from the hatchback...and they are for huge family, space, hill drives... not really to race.. only cars to made to ra Read More...
Commented on neelsuresh's review
It looks you are attacking innova rather than providing a good review. simply driving xylo is like driving a truck and driving innova is like driving a car. Please drive both vehicles and provide the review.
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Vikrant Acharya (@Livspace_officialMouthShut Verified Member)
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ayeshar rahman (@ashar007MouthShut Verified Member)
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