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Member Since:Sep 30, 2001
0 MS Points
I have a very active 2-year old son who is the #1 man in my life (besides my Dad). I am a RespectED: Violence and Abuse Educator for the Red Cross. In the future, I want to become an addictions counsellor because I was an addict myself years ago. My passion is, and will always be helping other's!. I love reading and collecting True Crime books. I also have a 12-month old parrot, and I am trying to teach her to talk.
About Me
Education: Graduated/some college
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My Personal Prison
Reviewed Dealing with Severe Illness
I suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), an emotionally crippling disease that I call my personal prison. Petty thoughts, pointless rituals, countinRead more...
Reviewed Getting Rid of Pimples / Acne
Before using uneccessary products for your acne, you should find out first what is causing the breakout. Acne may be the scourge of the adolescent years, but Read more...
STRESS - The Silent Killer
Reviewed Handling Stress
The first symptom I noticed was intense pressure. It began near my breastbone, shot up into my shoulders, neck, and jaws, and surged down again through both oRead more...
Beating Depression
Reviewed Handling Depression
I describe depression as a big black cloud. IT seems to gave no identifiable features. Its just there, and its overwhelming. It comes and goes, anRead more...
Hope And Help For Your Nerves
Reviewed Knowing More About Diseases / Illness
My heart beats too fast.My hands tremble and sweat. My stomach turns. I have terrible headaches.I cant Read more...
Reviewed Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion
How do you reduce fine lines, age spots and wrinkles? Besides getting surgery, the best way to prevent premature aging is in lotions. Contrary to popular beliRead more...
The Day After
Reviewed Handling Hangovers
The morning after was the worst when I was hung over(reason why I quit). The birds singing outside the windows sounding like nuclear-powered vultures screechiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on weich_mechancete's review
I forgot that such a simple thing like drinking plenty of water can be the best remedy.
Rated on weich_mechancete's review
Followed weich_mechancete
Followed sybarite
Rated on sybarite's review
Commented on sujay_marthi's review
Your review helped me to freshen up my skills, just before my interview. Thanks, Jen
Your review helped me to freshen up my skills, just before my interview.
Rated on sujay_marthi's review
Followed reyaa , sujay_marthi
Great information and tips regarding the benefits of Dematerialisation. I enjoyed your review very much. Thanks, Jennifer
Commented on ledo's review
A lot of people do not understand mental illnesses. And because they don't, they are very arrigant(spelled right) This is a great opinion, and maybe now some people may have a different perspective of mental illnesses.
Followed Venchasa , rosie6349 , abababbey
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