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Member Since:Jan 27, 2009
0 MS Points
Well someone who loves to make frnds....high tech airline knowledge n loves to involvle in marketing and escort High profile delegates. Well start of from sports...Cricket , badminton,Table tennis....Music any....
About Me
Education: Post Grad
Food and Drinks: Food -seafood...Drinks...Bacardi is awesomeBooks: NahMovie Stars: Jason StathomMovies: Trnsporter...Taken...I am legendT.V. Shows: nahMusic: AnyQuotes: Daring to b a fool is the first step to wisdom
Food and Drinks: Food -seafood...Drinks...Bacardi is awesome
Books: Nah
Movie Stars: Jason Stathom
Movies: Trnsporter...Taken...I am legend
T.V. Shows: nah
Music: Any
Quotes: Daring to b a fool is the first step to wisdom
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You got to drive it to feel it
Reviewed Volkswagen Vento
Volkswagen - A brand which has put lots of doubt in the mind of the people who are looking for a car within a range of 7-10 lakhs .The ANHC was the best optioRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on alavandar's review
Dude go for Honda city..no second thots about it
Commented on own review
Mayank I have drpooed the Idea of buying Vento.. Would opt for Honda City automatic...
Hi wilway I took a test drive yesterday and the a/c is pretty effective however it would need to set to the max when its really hot and the blower makes a slight noice when its at max however the a/c is really effective. The rear a/c not as effective John
Commented on gds2259's review
Ha ha balle balle
Rated on swarna73's review
Commented on swarna73's review
Not uselful at all...
Commented on pbagmar's review
Thanks for the brilliant review..I m going for the automatic version for sure
Commented on RaaJJ's review
I still cant believe al tht happened with Honda city...This is the 1st time I have seed such a review for Honda cairs
Commented on gauravnath's review
Thanks guys...M not at all looking for a diesel car and guess wat wt the help of people like you I would book the Honda city i-vtec automatic in a couple of mnths. Thanks for al ur help guys.M sure the ill love it John
Commented on pammuda's review
I was interested in the Vento initially however slowly all the drawbacks are being revealed which inturn is drawing my attention to the Honda city.The only drawback in city is the interior Plastic quality which is lot more better in the Vento. It makes sense to for Diesel version of Vento as no Read More...
As days are I am loosing my interest in The Vento and my heart is thrashing toward the City.....I guess ill have say bye bye to Vento
Rated on bheeemboy's review
Commented on delhiguy1234's review
Dude I guess I have heard loads of complaints in cars however never heard of an expense of 2.5 lakhs..WOW that is huge money man...U could buy a new car for that money...By the I was plannning to book the new car from VW - The Vento.....However I dont know if this could happent with any car.Who know Read More...
Gopal I have heard that the diesel vento is far more better than the petrol version..However my run would be aroung 400-600 kms per month so I Guess petrol would be far better for me. Honda city is better however the Vento is a very elegant car somewhat like the previous version of the toy Read More...
Commented on redangel's review
Dude dont u thing the city is better.....And now the arrival of The VW Vento would be tough competition for City sx4 and Linea..wht do u say? I am plannig to buy the Vento next month..
Followed world_of_words
Any comments pls
Followed JaveedAhmedM
Commented on Sshank's review
Hi I know the ivtec is one of the best car in India..however I just want u to check the new VW Vento ..cuz I am also planning to buy a car but confused between both of them...help me out man
Hi Gaurav I know the ivtec is one of the best car in India..however I just want u to check the new VW Vento ..cuz I am also planning to buy a car but confused between both of them...help me out man
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