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Member Since:Nov 20, 2007
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Dishtv a good product to have: it rocks
Reviewed Dish TV
I am a dishtv user for about 2 years and I thought this was the right time to review a product after having a good amount of exp in using dishtv.First I was nRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on anirbanroy30's review
its true, i agree with sriram, their are too many irregularities in their billing and also Rs.600 was too much...useless service.
Rated on pparesh_m's review
Commented on pparesh_m's review
yes that is true they are really fooling customer first by giving new channels and then keep them in separate packs and charging them separetly...like they have done in case on Neo sports and likely to do the same with some other newly added channels ...and rightly said by lokesh_mani, even they are Read More...
Rated on sunilbadopalia's review
Commented on sunilbadopalia's review
Sunil, Dear firend you havn't mention about your real problem here....so how can any body analyse your problem and help you out in case of any problem. and about advertising with shahrukh, in that i agree with preetis that every company will promote their product....and if you see shahrukh i Read More...
Commented on dinesh77's review
Its very sad to hear this out, but at the same time i would say that might be the case with you, as i am using dishtv fro last couple of months and haven't face any problem like that, even when i have shifted my home from one place to other and register my complaint for realignment of dish at my new Read More...
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