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Member Since:Jun 06, 2005
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Education: IT pro
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Reasonable in every way
Reviewed Hushbabies
They dont have a wide selection available, but they make for it with timely delivery. Reasonable quality and service just what youd expect when orRead more...
Milleading and cons
Reviewed FirstCry
Product price manipulated in the shopping cart. When this was bought to their attention they went in denial mode. Trying to push it to customer. I have never Read more...
White collar goons = ABN AMRO
Reviewed ABN AMRO Group
My credit card with ABN AMRO had some transactions done by a miscreant who stole the information not from me but their systems. I had never used this card siRead more...
Makemytrip Unfolded
Reviewed Makemytrip
MakeMyTrip, launched in 2000, has grown at a fast pace toemerge as the leading travel company for travel from USAto India. “Lowest Airfare Guarantee” with wRead more...
Circuit....bole toe picture ekdum bindaas hai mam
Reviewed Lage Raho Munnabhai
The style of this guy and the way its played by arshad warsi make me say that for the frst time we have a sequel in bollywood worth watching...wolRead more...
A basic guide on bittorrent
Reviewed Bittorrents Software
Basically bittorrent or BT is a P2P protocol, like kazaa and eMule. But instead of doing searches in the program itself, it uses files called torrents, theseRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Niceguy27's review
Hi we seem to have something in common your review is tailored for me. I came 2 months bck from australia used to drive a accord v6 there and i must say i am almost certain to narrow down on this car. Most of the cars you disliked and the reasons are identical to mine. This is a very pleasant coin Read More...
Followed MakeMyTrip
Commented on brijgarg's review
They sent me a credit card which was thrown at my place could hae been used by anyone. Thankfully i got it, i requested them to channge my suvidha account address in written which they never did and subsequently i stopped using that account. The stupid credit card mentioned earlier had a auto debit Read More...
Commented on mydessertz's review
I will definitely read that book as well. Many thanks for thr recommendation.
My friend...If you want to find true spirituality between the bindings of a book, pick up the Bible, The Koran, The Bagghavad Ghita, The Upanishads, Siddhartha, Kalhil Gibran, C.S. Lewis(i am still to dos so) Theres just one more book i'd like to recommend reading if you can lay you hands on this Read More...
Commented on BLUE.9's review
there are savings of .001% mileage because alloy wheels are lighter than normal rims ...dude just Google this stuff and u will get the answers ..your justification about spending is sheer visual pleasure...and with the suzuki tin can you intend to buy :)) laughable
Rated on ajaykrjan's review
sounds to me this is the first spiritual book u have read...before you should be recommending it get some basis.. the book has laughable coincidences and didn't amuse me at all.. better still these spiritual insights are copied from other books and stuff published years ago... http://www.ciao.co. Read More...
Commented on ginnie's review
now that what i call picking and editing.... r u a journalist by any means..for starters you can go through the directors message on the cd cover. although the way the message was conveyed in the movie is lousy at best..its still a valiant attempt..keeping in mind the commercial aspect..
Rated on ginnie's review
Commented on sonuranj's review
befor anyone jumps to buy the ipod mini ...jst look here http://www.iriver.com/ another option...though i have the mini it rocks apart from the battery time i have no probs with it..
Commented on diver's review
from my heart this is mega crap...thx for nothing it helped me with nothing
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