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Member Since:Jun 18, 2009
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GS150R - Made like a Gun
Reviewed Suzuki GS150R
Bought this bike on 24th June 2009, after analyzing all the reviews of this bike from mouthshut. So thanks to mouthshut for giving genuine reviews. Yes. its tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on munish007's review
Rated on vishak_s's review
Rated on costaguana's review
Rated on han1993's review
Commented on vishak_s's review
Nice review. Please qoute about its messaging ergonomics, memo, reminders, etc. And also, please tell about its messaging speed. I'm having a old nokia 1650. Its messaging speed is very slow. I use to type a bit fast. But the characters display slowly... So how speed was this samsung metro ?
Rated on rksundaram76's review
Commented on rksundaram76's review
Please qoute some other features and its working of this mobile...
Rated on ksameer17's review
Commented on kannan920's review
Hi, Very useful information for our people. Thanks for your effort,. Please clarify my doubt. Will the cell phone radiation affect us even if we use a headset ? Will a bluetooth headset emits radiation that affects the brain cells ? GSM or CDMA, which emits high radiation ?
Rated on kannan920's review
Commented on own review
i dont know the difference between speed and extra premium. I always use speed from BP. Since that petrol bunk is near by home. I think, both are high octane petrols from respective vendors. So both must be good as well as should give same performance.
Go for speed petrol. It as been mentioned in gsr manual that we have to use high octane petrol. So use speed petrol.
Hi Srijith! Congrats man. You told about gear shifting problems. Its not problem man... You have to use in properly. I also thought it was a problem of gsr. GSR has a complex 6 speed gear system. You can use it efficiently. Just follow the speed rule while up-shifting or downshifting the gears. For Read More...
Rated on Da_Dude's review
The brightness of GSR's headlight is similar to Apache. Its good at night. Even if there is no street lights, in full dark itself you can ride it effortlessly. Its 12v 35Amp Halogen bulb used in GSR.
Rated on hermit's review
Rated on shamanthnv's review
Rated on rajasagar's review
Commented on vivekborkar's review
Give a detail description of each and every aspect of this bike with your point of view,. Its very short and it seems, you have concentrated only on FZ's mileage.
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