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Member Since:Jun 08, 2003
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I live in a small town of 40K people in Northern United States, where the temparature is below zero for at least 8 months a year! No surprise then that there are less than a dozen Indian students here. I am originally from India(of course), born in Cochin, Kerala where i lived until i was 16. Then i lived in Mangalore and Bangalore for the next 3 years,where most of my family is from around. I came to the U.S. in December 1999, and have been here since. My mother tounge is Konkani. I like to converse with people who have some idea of what they are talking about! I have seen my share of ignorant people .... I am usually very tolerant, but (of course there has to be a but) I can't stand conservative thinkers anymore. Sorry.... I respect your ideas, but no thanks, i don't need them. I really forgot how intellectual Indians are (nice way of saying that i see a bunch of morons everyday?) I am known to have, lets say, peculiar/eccentic tastes in life. Oh and let me tell you right away that I have never liked HINDI films for the most part. I find them hideous. I don't like the usual mainstream commercial movies, Hindi, English or any other language. The most realistic movie in recent history was ''American Beauty.'' You get the idea of my movie tastes. They don't have to be all serious, i like the humorous movies too. Reading, Global Affairs, Philosophy, Psychology, Music, Photography, Thinking, talking, travelling and many many more
About Me
Education: College Student
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In Hibernation
Reviewed Icelandair
The hasty plan My trip to Ireland was unexpected. After all my midterm exams were going on, and even though I had spring break right after, I was in no mood Read more...
Reviewed Boloji
Sorry guys. I dont know how this happened (two posts on the same topic). I have some idea, but sorry for the confusion. This is one of the best websiteRead more...
Reviewed General Tips on Websites
This is one of the best websites run by Indians. A website run by NRIs in the U.S. I believe (not too sure); and the majority of contributors to this siRead more...
Up the Liffey, Down the Liffey* in Dublin, Irelan
Reviewed Ireland - General
Dooblin (as the Irish call it) is a wonderful place for vacation. It is a compact capital city, but yet not too small. In spite of being a small city, Dublin Read more...
An American Experience through Indian eyes
Reviewed Local Customs and Traditions in North America
This is for people who intend to know about life in everyday America. Everyone knows about New York and L.A., but the real and majority of Americans live in sRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Thanks for the help. I realized that i was having troube editing my review because it has over 8000 words! Thanks for your support :) Thanks for your comments. It helps. Thanks once again everyone :) G
Rated on kalil.rahman's review
Commented on kalil.rahman's review
is a quality magazine, but i haven't been reading them lately. I can't say i agree with everything TIME prints, but that's not the reason I haven't read it in a while. Even though I have great respect for the TIME, i can't say the same about CNN. I'll never watch or read from the CNN website Read More...
Rated on rjois's review
Rated on cpearl's review
Commented on cpearl's review
I once stopped by in Dubai to change flights, and the view of the deserts from up above makes it look like gold. Especially during sunset and I instantly fell in love. The airport was nice too, but i found a little cheating in the Duty free shopping there (most looked Indian to me!) I would love to Read More...
a lot more. I had to trim to keep it withing 8000 words! This airline was that bad. Thanks for your comments dissK. Gautham PS: Could someone tell me how this BOLD works. I tried to use it and it makes the whole review instead of just the headings bold.
for one of THE greatest magazines. I read the mag. at the univ. library regularly, and watch the channel at home. Both are great. Loved it. (I had just started writing a review on the topic myself, but you did a much better job.) Gautham
But the series is full of legal flaws. In a U.S law and constitution class i took this semster, the professor showed us one of the episodes and pointed endless flaws in the series. Our assignment after that was to watch one ourselves and identify the flaws. If i hadn't taken the class, i would never Read More...
true. The Hindu is the best newspaper in India. I grew up reading this paper (Coimbatore Edition) and my favourite section was 'International. ' My interest in global issues started just through the hindu. I do miss it too. And Kalil, you are absolutely right about the US regional newspapers. They Read More...
Rated on Santoz's review
Everyone has a weak point, and mine is that I can't rewrite things. Okay, maybe I can, but I absolutely despise it. I rather start from scratch than rewrite. I don't know if i can delete this review, but i am planning on writing a new one sometime (soon?) in the future. This one was a little too pre Read More...
Commented on vivekbp's review
indeed vivek. I totally agree with you on the things you said in this review. As Santosh said India bashing has become a fashion, and indeed everyone vanishes when you talk about solving the problem. I am not even in India, and i probably have the least right to do the bashing, but have you trie Read More...
Followed vivekbp , arunroy , srininet1 , Concerned , cpearl
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