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Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Oct 31, 2008
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Tata Photon+ 3.1Mbps
Reviewed Tata Indicom
I have taken TATA Photon + 3.1 Mbps on Feb-6th-2010. Surprisingly activation is done in 20 mins. I have paid Rs.3600/-. There is an offer going on. First montRead more...
Reviewed Tata Indica Vista
This is my review after 1year/24K ownership of this Vista TDI. below are the problems I have with this vehicle. These may not be with all the users, but I am Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on shripal_s26's review
Commented on ashu6151's review
Hi, The same problem I am also facing with my VISTA. The service people will not do anything except water wash. I am almost wex with the problems and just parked the car in my garage. not using these days. its a worst car.
Rated on ashu6151's review
Rated on zorin0369's review
Rated on drankit80's review
Rated on arunrao's review
Rated on jass12472000's review
Commented on jass12472000's review
the same set of problems have been faced by me and still continuing.. every month I need to visit service centers... a big NO to TATA. More over, your tagline made me laugh louder. its very good indeed.
Rated on raka06's review
Rated on vinay_singh68's review
Commented on vinay_singh68's review
Its really a bad after sales service by TATA.
Rated on vipin.malhotra545's review
Rated on nivas2212's review
Commented on nivas2212's review
Vista is far behind than Swift and Figo, I expereienced this. I never suggest a TATA vehicle because of the product quality and after sales service. I am the victim of such a bad TATA vehicle.
Rated on iyappanp's review
Commented on iyappanp's review
I am the witness of all these type of problems in Vista TDI. I am also struggling with this vehicle. during 1 year ownership, most of the times it was in service center only. please refer to my review on this worst car. All the cars might not have the problems. getting the defected ones are our Read More...
Commented on own review
Really Honda and Toyota are great. They do bother about the customer problems. but TATA is least bothered. since 6 months they are trying to replace the Head Lamp Leveling device in my VISTA. moreover, they are saying that this problem is with all the cars. think how difficult it is to drive w Read More...
Commented on harvardiz's review
I Also own Indica Vista TDI since 8 months and I was done 13K kilometers. I was the very happy customer during the very first month. But now, I really hate my decision towards TATA product. Service is too much worst, especially in Concorde. They dont even replace the damaged parts, eventhough they Read More...
Rated on harvardiz's review
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