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Member Since:Apr 30, 2003
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About Me
Education: B.A, LL.B, MBA
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No nonsense value for Money phone!
Reviewed Motorola L6
Well I have been an avid Nokia user for the last many years. I have used all the popular models from Nokia eg. 3310, 2100, and 6610....! well this time I planRead more...
Great Looks with Fuel Efficiency and Performance!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 LXi
i bought my alto a few months back. I used to own a M800 before. wanted to buy a XING or Xeta but ended up buying the Alto LXi. well the Xeta is available forRead more...
Great audio and Power
Reviewed Sony - CDX-GT350S
Well guys this was the second car system that I was about to install. I have used a pioneer car stereo so was convinced about the quality of its finish and auRead more...
Airtel sucks only big bills and no service
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Hey friends! I subscribed to Airtel when one of its sales executives approached my office to convince me to shift from orange to airtel. he said airtel was cRead more...
Best digital camera!!!!!
Reviewed Nikon Coolpix 2100 - Photographic Cameras
Hii friends !! To start withI would like to mention that what Mercedes, Honda,Toyota and Ferrari is to Automobiles Nikon is to Camera. Nikon is well known fRead more...
Best fone in its class
Reviewed Nokia 6610
After the great success of 3310, 3315, 6210, 6310.......... and many other suberp masterpieces Nokia launched the Nokia 6610 which has become one of the most Read more...
Good old Honda!!!!!!
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ - Disc Brake
Hii friends, honda to me is silent , smooth, maintenence free, reliable, dependable engine which is time tested. The CBZ was launched in 1998-99 and was an emRead more...
Greatest DVD player of all
Reviewed Sony DVP NS530
Great audio when connected to a home theatre in contrast to the Lg dvd players that have pathetic audio quality. Sony delivers clearer picture quality then otRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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Rated on bhautikjoshi's review
Commented on own review
hey raj! your Swift may be best in its category but you cant ccompare it with Alto as it is a car in a completely diferent segment. like i cant compare your favourite SWIFT with a car like the E-class Mercedes or the Porsche Carrera! eh? any ways enjoy driving your Swift and rock!!! manoj.
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