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Member Since:May 26, 2004
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i am under-weight, under-paid and under welhmed at the moment
About Me
Education: BA (Economics)
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Not bad
Reviewed ICFAI Business School (IBS) - Hyderabad
The first impression every body has of ICFAI is that virtually anyone who has given the icfai entrance gets a call ,so a chance of failing is as remote as OsaRead more...
Reviewed Porsche 911
Folks the mother of all sports cars the Porsche is here no offence, but it is one. It is known that a porche is used as a virtual yardstick to meassure the poRead more...
Price rationality
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
Guyz do u think that u can increase ur sales by playin with the prices? well I beg to differ,when hero honda launched the karizma they priced I at rs 79000 exRead more...
Cheapest performance
Reviewed Hyundai Accent - GTX Tornado
Well folks the gtx Tornado is a lot of car for your money,I love the gear knob from the Hyundai coupe and the sporty fabrique,you also get a six cd changer, eRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on hp00968's review
Commented on kajitkumar's review
actually sir,the mileage is a bit on the low side because u must be goin on in the city with the TCS on,from now on shut it off in city and theyll be a rise in the mileage, another tip is to not use first gear much and do not rev the car ,get it in the fourth gear as much as possible.
Commented on sonieye1's review
now anuj,this is with respect to ur comment on my review on the 911,first i am indeed talkin about the mcLN F1 and not the SLR,second i am not talkin about the autocar story and 3rd i am not sayin that the porche is better than the mcLN F1 but it is indeed used to meassure the potential of virtual Read More...
Rated on sonieye1's review
Commented on nevish_prem's review
why did u rank my article useless ,i mean it makes people feel bad,u should rather tell the shortcomings,any wayz i was just jokin ur review was very good chaw karan
Rated on rahulbhiwadi1's review
Rated on hanzyrulez's review
Commented on own review
the article was simply terrific,truly an eye opener,thankz once again
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