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Member Since:Nov 18, 2007
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Bajaj Avenger 200cc DTS-i. Feeling Like God!
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger
Finally, Finally And Yes Finally... After spending hours on Mouthshut.com, reading reviews and digging the net about Bajaj Avenger 200cc and after waiting forRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on sssthegreat's review
Brilliantly Written... An Eye Opener For Most Of The Second Hand Buyers.... Good Job!!
Rated on sssthegreat's review
Followed ganesh_mba
Commented on own review
Hmmm... Parking the bike in a tight spot is a herculean task. Sometimes impossible... When you own an avenger, Its nothing less than a car... :)
It is still available I guess... Not 100% sure... On Road Price of avenger 200cc with registration is approx 73k...
Rated on syed_atif's review
Commented on syed_atif's review
Superb Review Bro... Very Exact Details.... I too own a 200cc Avenger... Wats ur bike's color? :)
@ harry The bike is returning 42 kmpl with premium petrol after the first service. @dineshpreety Avenger is available is Red, Silver, Black and Blue color. They are the only colors available.
I feel pity for you girl... Baseless critic... What r u doing on the net? I have my name on many places on the net.. Go find some job...
Commented on enigmatictech's review
Coool Review Dude... That was like a test driver explainig a new hottie machine in town... Thanks a lot... I’ve been thinking about getting this bike from months.. My mind wanders looking at all the bikes in the market.... Dont want pulsar as it is toooooooo common... After this review, I have slant Read More...
Rated on enigmatictech's review
Followed sandipan
Commented on sandipan's review
Hi Sandipan.. How are you? I am planning to purchase this bike and am a novice when it comes to bike though I have good Hamara Bajaj Chetak experience. I am not so comfortable to ride in traffic but will be buying this bike to do city commuting... What do you suggest me?
Commented on syed_regular's review
Thanks for the review Syed.. I am planning to buy this bike. I stay at Banglaore and will be using it to commute to my office which will an approx 30km up and down... I am still confused which bike to go for... I am planning for avenger as bangalore traffic is a mess and i would prefer a comfortable Read More...
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