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Member Since:Dec 03, 2005
0 MS Points
a journalist by profession, am very interested in politics, apart from which there are some environmental issues close to my heart. and i love dogs!!!. i love horse riding, reading and partying with friends.
About Me
Education: post graduate in Journalism
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Cowboy gay movie!!
Reviewed Brokeback Mountain
Expectations ran high as I was going to watch the movie, friends were jealous that I had managed to grab the tickets for the pic they all had been dying to seRead more...
Not a great impression!
Reviewed False Impression - Jeffrey Archer
Jeffrey Archers fans have waited seven years for his latest thriller to come into stores. In fact this novel in a lot of ways are Lord Archers tentativeRead more...
Race for excellence
Reviewed CNN IBN
The 24 hr english news channel CNN IBN launched by ex NDTV biggie rajdeep sardesai was relief to sore eyes that were locked to 24/7 due to unavailabilty of otRead more...
Candolim Beach
Reviewed Goa
I’ve been to Goa innumerable times and well even lived there three years of my life, but nothing tops the trip I made this time during new yrs. It was jRead more...
Magnum 'Opus'
Reviewed Opus - Sankey Road - Bangalore
Opus is Goa in true style. Open and airy, with swaying palms and a pebbled garden, which opens up, into an amphitheatre; it is witness to live performances alRead more...
My fav 20!
Reviewed Twenty Best English Songs
This is really tough. I mean am just a regular person, I enjoy music, hum, sing sometimes in the shower and among friends, but have never really sat down and Read more...
'good' old bangalore anymore?
Reviewed Bangalore
I remember when we were filling up forms after 12th standard, wondering which city to apply for colleges, the common consensus was always Bangalore. all the gRead more...
Harry's an adolescent
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The thrill of going to watch a harry potter film is unparalleled. Specially when you decide on a lark, to bunk work and go watch a movie. Realise harry potterRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on varunsaboo's review
Commented on own review
i was waiting for your comment, thanks :) dont be so prejudiced, and please do go and watch the movie, i'd love to see a review from you on it. :)
the story was excellent and the performances admirable, but the narration was sad... and coming with the gay tag doesnt necessarily define anything. we review and critique a movie on the basis of personal likes and dislikes i guess... ;)
thanks for ur comment, yeah well the movie was a battle between love hate. i expected so much, and was kinda disappointed.
Commented on varunsaboo's review
great review! am a huge kimi fan!!! looking fwd to the sepang race on sunday!!!
Rated on romzz's review
Rated on jaya's review
Rated on bharat5's review
Commented on Nargis's review
nice review aanchal. my personal fav's are malory towers and well the entire famous five series. and yeah i loved faraway tree too!!! and i think no one describes food as well as blyton. even tomatoes sounded exotic when she described it. :)
Rated on Nargis's review
Rated on anoop316's review
Commented on anoop316's review
i think that was a very unfair review. its evident you havent turned a page in that book.
Rated on sndaya's review
Rated on shank210's review
Rated on a_descent_life's review
Rated on happysandboy's review
Rated on amateurabe's review
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