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Member Since:Mar 23, 2006
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By me
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ Xtreme
Hi all.my exams just finished yesterday.So the time has come for me to share my views on products.i too am a fan of cbz-x, but that doesn mean im gonna praiseRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on giri.cbz's review
Macha ur wrong... CBZ is more than history in Indian biking scene... consider alone the fact that my CBZ gave some trouble in its 9th year of service while other pulsars gave same problems in its first year itself :P.
My CBZ(1999) has now entered its 10th year of faithful service. I recently spent 11K added new tank and panels and completed few mechanical works too. Its running in excellent condition with a top speed of 125km/hr. Mileage is very low as my riding is very rash. gives 30km/l average. It easily reach Read More...
Commented on own review
yes you're right aditya. My review was too speculative. I just had some rides on the bike b4 writin this review. when i had written this review ,cbz-x had not come in road. so at the time when i wrote this review, all other reviews on this bike was also speculative.
hi guys, thanks for ur comments. i will surely try to increase my practicality in writin reviews. friends i've ridden cbz-x b4 writin this review. but just one or two rides is not at all enough to rate the machines.(thats wat most of ms people do). even those who write after ridin the bike for sma Read More...
Rated on mrstyx's review
Commented on Sam_bike's review
bhai, i read comments of urs and u seem to have good knowledge on bikes. dear can u pls tell me how i can increase the pick up and speed of my cbz without effecting the mileage.it has got less low end torque. but mid end and high end torque is good. i heard of products like some spark plug or k&n wh Read More...
hey sam, sorry to say, dear apache has got less or no feel on the twist of the wrist. i own a 7 year old cbz which rocks whoever rides it.(my bro bought it wen myself in 8th n it was handed over to me wen in 11th) i rode new apache of my friend and got really dissatisfied. sure it has got pick up bu Read More...
Rated on bikefreakcat's review
Rated on pulsar180's review
Commented on jeegar's review
your spells made me cry. still i completed readin it. bcoz it was a nice review.
Rated on samirthedevil's review
Rated on jay_surat1's review
Commented on activeace's review
hey bro, it is indeed a well written one. you indeed deserve a VU for you revu. But bro you wrote very wrong things on CBZ. Mind you. bro dear, you fall 1000 times or 10000 times, dont ever think of blaming the bike but blame your ridin style. If you dont get GFs then you blame the bike and when so Read More...
Rated on sekannan's review
Commented on pappysimha's review
Nice review, wont seem to get any criticizs. And good info too i.e on the launch of upgraded unicorn. i like unicorn for its ride n reliability. only thing that pushed me back was styling. any wayz hope honda comes with more power,mileage n style.
Rated on residentbiker's review
Rated on krpotnis's review
Rated on premya's review
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