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Member Since:Aug 12, 2003
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Working as Software Engineer with a MNC in Pune. Happy go around person. Music,Movies,Surfing, Games.. anything and everything in which u can have fun ;)
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Education: MCS
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A perfect weekend flick
Reviewed Hitch
Good Fun - Thats whatI would like to call this movie. A perfect way to spend your saturday night on this movie with a big bowl of popcorn along with some sodaRead more...
Chill out with activa
Reviewed Honda Activa
After spending around a year on my honda activa I guess its the right time to write a review on it.But the first thing which occupies my mind is 59% recommendRead more...
A must see
Reviewed Pinjar
Pinjar (skeleton) is a story based on amrita pritams novel pinjar.Its a story describing the great saga of india-pakistan partitRead more...
Too Good !
Reviewed Samsung SGH C100
Hi Guys, I read the above review on samsung sgh c-100 so I wont really go ahead giving you the feature details , etc but let me cover some more points which Read more...
Enjoy every bit of your food (veg & non-veg)
Reviewed Rahul Restaurant & Bar - Shivaji Nagar - Pune
I am a bit surprised seeing that no one has written a review about Rahul Restaurant. Few key points about Rahul Restaurant 1> Ideally located above RahulRead more...
Absolute cool
Reviewed Godrej Pentacool Refrigerator
PENTACOOL 235L - GF24 1>Best in service 2>Good quality polycarbonate trays and the comfortable ice twisting trays.EVen if some liquid spills in the frRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on ash_joshi's review
where is this restaurant ? i havent heard of cactus in pune
Commented on prasadmvs's review
dude, you forgot to mention about the back seats. in Santro 3 ppl can comfortably sit behind whilist in Wagan R only 2 can sit because of the division between seats or the first class airline seats (if you may want to call it) ~Parvinder
Commented on maitis's review
Your review scares me to go for indica petrol, though i have booked it :) ~Minks
Commented on own review
For ringtones you can search on samsung.howardforums.com.They have quite a lot of postings which contain .mmf format tunes which you can then upload it using the software ~Minks
You can upload any jpg/jpeg of size 128 * 96 to your C-100 using the GPRS software 2.1.6 (available at samsungmobile.com) ~Minks
Rated on nikunjgoyal's review
Rated on reach4venkat's review
Commented on reach4venkat's review
hi buddy, nice revu. dint u see indica petrol ? there u get the best of performance and comfort..a bit low on mileage but then it depends whts ur priority enjoy ur xing ~Parvinder
Commented on amjad_maruf's review
amjad saheb kya review likha hai baap kasam se ..tum to senior review writer ho ..hum jaise juniors ko thoda trraining do na :) good review and Excellent movie !
Rated on rakesh.bp's review
Commented on rakesh.bp's review
can you give some comments on the average ? in city and highway thanks ~Parvinder
Rated on manoj_garg's review
Rated on abhideshmukh's review
Commented on ram12's review
hi, how about wagonR over Xing ? Did u gave a thought for WagonR before buying Xing ? ~Parvinder
Rated on sujanroy's review
Rated on vivek_v_rane's review
Rated on clubbing_freak's review
Rated on yakamichi's review
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