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South England
Member Since:Aug 23, 2003
0 MS Points
Mad Shahrukh fan who loves her music, her movies and her friends... (Oh, and my family! He he he... ). Anything to do with India, basically... ;o) Bollywood, Orissa, running my toes in the sand at Puri... I could go on for ever... India is my new home :o)
About Me
Education: DipHE in Adult Nursing
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Vegetarians Beware!!!
Reviewed Dove Soap
Hi people... Im not sure if any of you know, but Dove soap contains Sodium Tallowate... for those of you who dont know what that is, let me explaRead more...
Gorgeous... Practical... Brilliant!!!
Reviewed Motorola V635
I have recently swapped from a Sony Ericsson S700i to the Motorola V635... and for very good reasons. Unlike the S700i, the V635 is practical AND beautiful -Read more...
Not a bad little phone...
Reviewed Samsung SGH-E600
This is not a bad little phone... For a clamshell, it really fits a lot of gizmo into a small package. I particularly like the Caller ID... my best mate has Read more...
What A Letdown...
Reviewed Sony Ericsson S700i
Well, like most people, I got all whopped up and into a frenzy with all the hype and fancy advertising for the new S700i... I put my one on order, and waitedRead more...
Doctors are not God...!
Reviewed Indraprastha Apollo Hospital - Delhi
I lived in India for well over 5 years, and I have to say that Doctors are given too much power - which is a frightening thought when that power is in the hanRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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Followed snigdhandream
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I can walk around with a clear mind, as I don't spend my time eating dead animals or rubbing their fat into my skin/face... and I followed this choice for over 10 years. I don't wear make up... I don't use leather shoes or clothes... I follow the Vaisnava tradition and we have codes regarding Read More...
Followed psyxx
I find it shocking that people are unaware of this, especially in India - people are using it while completely unaware it contains beef. The cow is sacred there! :o( Shame on Unilever, that's what I say...
Commented on OLIVEBRANCHSOAP's review
It's awful how they don't bother to tell the Indian community that Sodium Tallowate is beef fat. Shame on Unilever... And as for all the vegetarians and Hindu's out there... WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
No bugs... 1.3 MP camera with x8 zoom... Java... Picture Caller ID... Video Capture and Send... Bluetooth Wireless Technology... 5MB Internal Memory... 256MB Removable Memory (via Memory Card)... MP3 Player... is that enough?!! Price? In the UK, the cheapest you can get it for is Read More...
I think I understand how to use a mobile phone, thanks! I'm in my 3rd year at Uni and can read... so getting to know the S700i wasn't a problem (I have had high perfomance phones before, like the O2 X series!) I am MUCH more happy with my Motorola V635, and I would NEVER go back to the S700i Read More...
What do you want to know about...? Ask me, and I will tell you... :o) Mogs
It's about Rs 25,000 here in the UK. In India, the Samsung website quotes Rs 14,800. Cut and paste the following link; http://www.samsung.com/in/search/search.asp?qt=E600&la=en&col=wg&qp=url%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.samsung.com%2Fin%2F&x=5&y=8
Followed premjit
Commented on premjit's review
... what an inspired review! What a thoroughly enjoyable read! I wish more reviews were like this... :o)
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