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Member Since:Feb 23, 2007
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GENPACT is Gr8 co, Engg. Services is WORST (FEA)
Reviewed Genpact
First of all, I swear that GENPACT is a great company. No dubt about that, I have quit the company after 3 years of service couple of months back, = GE AviaRead more...
Narayana Hrudayalaya & Conman Shetty
Reviewed Narayana Health - Anekal Taluk - Bangalore
Shetty has goons in Doctor robes These goons hand pick beggars and destitutes on roads. They areshipped to Shettys chamber, they simply siRead more...
Death to Shourie !!
Reviewed Worshipping False Gods - Arun Shourie
Every month, it’s time for every family to buy their monthly necessities, including our family. One of product that we need to buy is Soap. Well Speaking aboRead more...
Cost effective Drinking Water
Reviewed Pureit Water Purifier
In 2004, I almost bought a Eureka Forbes water filter, the sales guy who took my advance(cheque) disappeared all of a sudden, then I blocked my cheque and nevRead more...
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
I Mohan,  from Hyd, have researched a lot before buying my bike(Zeus), all my room-mates also bought bikes in the last 5 month span. Heres my list of beRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Followed narayana_health
Rated on balajidrm2252534's review
Rated on devdaspai's review
Commented on rushikshah1's review
send legal notice through a good lawyer they will shut up
Commented on own review
UPDATED 29thMay2012 : TV9 reports a poor construction worker couple’s daughter seriously ill, the report then says that the mother volunteered to donate her kidney for treatment. Narayana Hrudayalaya has forced parents to donate organ so that it can make huge profits from organ trading. Naraya Read More...
Rated on bejoy_george's review
Commented on bejoy_george's review
Anil Ambani is a cheat, his group will never come close to bottom of reputed company list, it's disgusting to see so called icons rising up into billionaires by sucking poor people's blood. Death to Anil Ambani for his modus operandi.
Mr.Emptor, What about Shourie ? apart from making rabid comments on iconic leaders he is casteist to the core.
Commented on yateent's review
Got Kalenji shoes for 839/- only , I have ordered one more pair for my father which will be delivered at 25 percent cash back, Rs.630/- only. KOOVS is good, but I have read many bad reviews..they need to improve may be Rediff sells the same shoes at Rs.1199/-
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Rated on jpmlore's review
Commented on jpmlore's review
Arun Shourie's quest for fame in public is un-warranted. His wife was blessed with Parkinson and his only son was spastic at an young age. All this blessings is from GOD for his way of thinking about dalits (Children of GOD). Arun Shourie is a typical right wing Hindu pamphleteer, his dig on Ambedk Read More...
Commented on Aspenhyt's review
CNR Rao supporting Madhavan Nair is regrettable, So many days I thought CNR Rao is a nice scientist, now after seeing CNR Rao's backing of Nair, it's clear he is also dishonest and backs dishonest. CNR Rao has lost all his reputation by siding with science graduate Nair, who raised in ISRO out of Read More...
Rated on Aspenhyt's review
Commented on sanson7's review
WATCHKART is cheating people, be careful, I have checked MRP of CASIOs at showrooms, it is lower by 400-3000 bucks. Watchkart is cheating, openly admitting to MRP hiking as well. WAtchkart is illegal and punishable under consumer court procedures
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