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Member Since:Mar 03, 2003
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Education: Graduate
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More Choice = More Confusion ?
Reviewed Dolphin Mobile Operator
With 4 cellular operators in every circle, it has now become very confusing for the average customer to choose between the operators. Furthermore, each operatRead more...
Hypocrite Americans !
Reviewed War on Iraq: Case For 'Yes'
The reason for invading iraq was never WMD or the cruel regime of iraq...it was WORLD DOMINATION ! Both the fictitious reasons for bombing iraq aRead more...
Lessons to learn from mistakes !
Reviewed War on Iraq: Case For 'No'
It has been months since Bush declared ’Mission Accomplished’ from an aircraft carrier! Months down the line, hardly a day goes by when US soldieRead more...
Orange will make you see Red !
Reviewed Orange Mobile Operator
To really understand the cost-benefit relationship of Orange, one has to compare it with its competitors in the market. Here is a comparison between Orange anRead more...
What's the confusion!
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
Its a tool...a medium
Reviewed Technology-Boon or Bane
Technology doesn’t have any inherent boon or bane characteristics !...It depends on how it is used i.e. to what end. A common analogy to this can be fiRead more...
A simple choice !!!
Reviewed Pre-Paid Card Vs Post-Paid Card
As far as the prepaid and postpaid schemes are concerned, prepaid surely takes the cake !! This is true in Mumbai and I am sure so is it in other places ! WRead more...
India - Aspirations for becoming a Superpower !
Reviewed General Tips on Cell Phones
This review is on the impact of recent TRAI directives on the call cost for the common man that will be applicable from April 1, 2003 : Local Call Landline CRead more...
Artificial Limitations !
Reviewed GSM Mobile Technology Vs CDMA Mobile Technology
Whats the latest buzz word going around? ~LIMITED MOBILITY~ What is it actually? Well for those who do not know, it refers to WiLL i.e. Wireless in LoRead more...
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on Cousin2's review
millitary arm and weapons. Recently it supplied the dictator attack helicopters and okayed sale of F16s. This point to the american's stupidity and arogance who first create dictators and then drop bombs in the name of freedom to kill the same dictators. However this time around musharraf is no or Read More...
It has been months since Bush declared 'Mission Accomplished' from an aircraft carrier! Months down the line, hardly a day goes by when US soldiers are not killed in the Iraq streets. So it would be foolish to say the war is over ! Even bush was playing hide and seek during his 2 hour super-secret Read More...
Commented on own review
Well, rentals are nothing but a way to generate revenue for the operators, which are in addition to the call charges that the user has to bear for making calls. In the good old system of landlines, govt companies like MTNL used to ( and still do ) charge rent on account of : 1. The phone instrumen Read More...
The review ' a simple choice' was written in March 03. This is November 03. Eight months have elapsed and this much time is more than enough in the fast changing mobile world to completely restructure the tarrif plans of most operators. Thus there have been changes in Trump rates and they have gone Read More...
Rated on meghana60's review
There are 2 sides to every coin ! Similarly, going in for any service will have its advantages and disadvantages. Now, what matters the most is which service has maximum adv and minimum disadv. The benefits of trump's services far outweigh the negative points and it clearly emerges as a win Read More...
Rated on sailesh's review
Commented on meleahk1's review
Many people are wondering where have the 'thousands and thousands' of litres of antrax, nerve agents and other chemical weapons which the bush administration was so excitedly shouting about have disappeared ? Where are the mass killing weapons that powel said were there during his long speach in th Read More...
Rated on insaansingh's review
Rated on muraligorti's review
Now that saddam is overthrown, the iraqis are coming out in streets in thousands and holding rallies against the US there ! They are demanding the americans to get out of their homeland and not to occupy them ! Their anger has further escalated when the troops did not bother to do anything when th Read More...
Rated on akhil23's review
'People must suffer for the future' - I bet Bin Laden has a similar ideology ! That is what he probably was thinking watching the towers collapse on TV on 9/11 ! By the way, who gave the US the right to make people suffer ???? And will those weapons be found? that is if they exist ! And if Read More...
Its surprising to see you agree on the disagreement !..... All i hope is that the US Govt. can do somethin like that ! Considering the amount of name calling and boycotting that was done in US against French and German products, etc. it is surprising to find that someone can agree to disagree ! I Read More...
Rated on just-did-it's review
The reason for invading iraq was never WMD or the 'cruel' regime of iraq...it was WORLD DOMINATION ! Both the fictitious reasons for bombing iraq are so weak ! 1. WMD - It has till date not been proven that iraq has WMD....the inspectors found none nor did the US marines ! 2. 'Cruel' Regime - No Read More...
Rated on sajjadhafeez's review
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Akhil Jain (@akhil2augustMouthShut Verified Member)