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Member Since:Feb 25, 2004
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The big thing about me's that I'm very susceptible to beauty. I can see it in odd places, even in things some pipo consider beautifully challenged. I feel it in musik, in ideas, in words, in pictures and in nature.. The urge to beautify things around's propelled en' controlled me all my life. I remember at 5 or so seein' a real beautiful paw paw plant, 'twas growin' in the neighbor's backyard u know en' I thought goodness this plant oughta be at our backyard! I real appreaciated the plant en' the next thin' I looked around to see who was watchin'. Convinced no one was watchin' I quickly transplanted the plant into our backyard. When I got up lo! en' behold! 2 people were watchin' me as they held there breathe! I was filled with shame but I still continued to do all sorts o' shameful things for beaty's sake. Now tho' i no don't need to do those things tho' en' thank God for the camera! . I'm very interested in so many things but mostly I'm interested in great books, in creative writing, en' in musik. I enjoy o kinds o' musik really only a few exceptions tho' like that kind they call classical. I've a passion for fashion en' this makes me such a big time guest at them shopping malls. I sit around coffee shops en' places a while en' watch the hand me down shoppers. I then see the world as it really is: worn, bored, en' easily satisfied. I join in too en' search for who knows what, but then somethin' always turns up tho', somethin' that justifies the time, the trip. I've heard some pipo say that there's nothin' new under the sun, en' them malls tempt me to believe that's so.
About Me
Education: Graduate
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Heart Racing, Hands Shaking, Help Is Here!
Reviewed Delivering an Effective Speech
When it comes to giving speeches, your heart races, your hands shake. And what?s more you lose your nerves in the process of the speech as a mighty sensation Read more...
Take Your Courage And Read This Novel.
Reviewed Contact - Carl Sagan
You dont have to be a fan of Sci fi books to enjoy Sagans CONTACT. For one thing, its so much more than those aliens, UFOs associated with SRead more...
Life Aian't Easy, I'ts Damme Hard!
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Lifes a series of problems. Do we want to moan about them or solve them? Thats the challenge which echoes through the pagRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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I am very interested in the way you gererate interest in what almost everybody knows already! You are certainly a talented communicator. Please keep it up.
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Commented on kalil.rahman's review
This very intertaining piece of writing. i havent watched the movie myself and reading your review i feel i got to! keep it up!
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