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Member Since:Jun 23, 2001
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I'm an Aussie teen who loves the performing arts and lots of other stuff too. I can't be stuffed to type it all though, these profile things get sooooo repetitive. Dance, drama, music, flute, internet, HTML, movies, TV.
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Fast Paced and Fun
Reviewed Rush Hour 2 Movie
This action-comedy manages to entertain the audience for its entire duration, with kung fu action moves that startle, and jokes and one liners that makeRead more...
From Bright Lights to Beaches to Deserts
Reviewed Australia - General
Australia is such as vast and amazing continent that one review could not possibly summarize all of its wonders. The Gold Coast region of Australia is Read more...
Australia's Capital Sparkles
Reviewed Canberra
Canberra may not have the same pizazz as bigger cities like Melbourne and Sydney, but it still has its own unique attractions and positives. Canberra iRead more...
Magnificent Melbourne
Reviewed Melbourne
Melbourne is one of Australias most popular cities, and has a huge variety of tourist sights, and is an excellent place for the keen shopper. MelbourneRead more...
Charlie's Angels Heat Up the Screen
Reviewed Charlie's Angels
Do you want to see some real girl power??? Well, watch this flick! The movie is based on the famous television show Charlies AngelsRead more...
The Harbour City: Australia's Pearl
Reviewed Sydney
Sydney is one of my favorite Australian cities to visit. The picturesque harbour, coupled with the busy, fun filled city make Sydney a perfect holiday destinaRead more...
Shows What Dance is Really Like
Reviewed Centre Stage
Centre Stage is an amazing story about young people who have been accepted in to the most famous dance school in America. We share their trials and tribulatioRead more...
The Classic Story of Rising from the Slums
Reviewed Billy Elliot
Billy Elliot goes down the path of ever so many movies- poor boy rises out of the slums to become famous. But it has one twist- Billy also has to overcome theRead more...
I Couldn't Live Without Mine!
Reviewed Compaq Presario 1245
I love my Compaq Presario Laptop! I use it everyday, and absolutely love it to bits. It is very lightweight and easy to start up. It has many features includiRead more...
Stiles was good, but maybe it should have been a
Reviewed Save the Last Dance
I loved the movie Save the Last Dance but I had one major problem with it, as a dancer myself. Styles could not dance!! I read in a maRead more...
Bolt.com Pleases Teens
Reviewed Bolt
Bolt.com is a great website!! The many features availiable include multiplayer games, clubs, tagbooks, message boards, competitions, chat, shopping and email Read more...
Pantene Lives Up to Expectations
Reviewed Pantene Pro-V Normal Hair Shampoo
I have been a regular Pantene user for a few years now, and have never thought of switching brands to a different shampoo. My hair is wavy and curly and becomRead more...
Angela's Ashes Amazes
Reviewed Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt
This book is one of my all time favorite reads. A captivating story, told with realism and frankness that makes the reader know that the story is real, and drRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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