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Member Since:Oct 23, 2009
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Bitter experience in YLG salon and Spa as a membe
Reviewed YLG Salon - Kodihalli - Bangalore
I had a very bitter experience regarding membership. At the time of joining they told that they would extend the membership if you are unable to be there for Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on heidi9's review
I should always look before I leap as I had a very bad experience with YLG.
Rated on heidi9's review
Rated on deeptiananth's review
Commented on deeptiananth's review
I think she is lucky,too and it is because she is not a member yet.Once you become a member you are gone!I had a very bad experience with YLG. They cheated like anything. Before joining they promised extension of membership period when I am unable to visit the Spa for a considerable amount of time a Read More...
Rated on ritabarker's review
Commented on ritabarker's review
I think she is lucky,too and it is because she is not a member yet.Once you become a member you are gone!I had a very bad experience with YLG,too. They cheated like anything. Before joining they promised extension of membership period when I am unable to visit the Spa for a considerable amount of ti Read More...
Rated on consciouseye's review
Commented on consciouseye's review
I think she is lucky,too and it is because she is not a member yet.I had a very bad experience with YLG,too. They cheated like anything. Before joining they promised extension of membership period when I am unable to visit the Spa for a considerable amount of time and now they say they don't have su Read More...
Commented on mama74's review
I had a very bad experience with YLG,too. They cheated like anything. Before joining they promised extension of membership period when I am unable to visit the Spa for a considerable amount of time and now they say they don't have such policy.
Commented on AS_BLR's review
Rated on AS_BLR's review
I don't think they will give the money back showing other excuses.
I do agree with the above comment as the same thing has happened with me.at the time of joining they told that they would extend the membership if you are unable to be there for a considerable period but now they are denying that they cannot do so.Since I have already paid I cannot do anything.At th Read More...
Rated on mama74's review
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