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Member Since:Feb 19, 2007
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FZ16 smart trick try this
Reviewed Yamaha FZ16
Mouthshut does not allow to delete my account nor my review. Mouthshut does not allow to delete my account nor my review. Mouthshut does not allow to delete mRead more...
Apache RTR V/S Pulsar 180
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
Mouthshut does not allow to delete my account nor my review. Mouthshut does not allow to delete my account nor my review.  Mouthshut does not allow to delete Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on iamharishkm's review
hey nice bike, wonder how ppl manage to touch 120 and 125 on it.
Commented on karan80's review
Ya right this is just a review, no need to get so personal. After all personal choice what u go for. Not very true things said bout bajaj. Guys what wud u say a 180 cc 16.5 ps engine delivering 57 kmpl consistently in traffic, can u beat this one. Even after running 30000 kms and almost 2.5+ yrs, Read More...
Commented on raj.feramone's review
Spares are cheap and quite affordable. The bike is reliable too. Being with me for 2.5 years, it has never broken down and not many major issues. Pulsar 200 is taken as an upgrade over 180. So if you are comfortable with -1 or 3 km/L of mileage, 200 is anyways better than 180 both in looks and perfo Read More...
Commented on kunal.kohli's review
Yeah finding neutral is one big issue in traffic, but learnt to live with it now. The gears act stubborn at times and get stuck. Regarding switching to Dunlop 120/80, have done it on my bike. Grip has definately improved. The issues faced by me is vibrations in the bike and a feel as if the veh Read More...
Commented on nagar.bhupesh's review
Missing guard between tyres and engine is going to show during the monsoons. How can this be ignored?
Commented on dranupshetty's review
Ya thats true, but looking better too counts, coz u have more ppl staring for such kind of bikes. Sport bikes are known for thick tyres according to me and beautiful looks like this one. I just saw a R15 on road which was running ahead. No roaring silencer. At first glance thot it was an gladiation Read More...
Rated on jeevan.chaukar's review
Commented on jeevan.chaukar's review
Good job, good review. I believe the new digital versions are a lot improvement in terms of gearbox, acceleration and stability compared to the previous models. Engine too is dam smooth. Paint job shows improvement too. Enjoy riding. Keep writing. Regards, Titus.
Commented on vishak_s's review
Good review. Dont worry about the vibrations, they should reduce. Each bike vibrates for the first time, the speed limits are increased when its new. Once the engine gets used to speeds, it will definately reduce vibrations. Waiting for ur next review with more kms clogged. Enjoy riding. Read More...
Commented on india_reviews's review
thunder1986, you are just placing negative comments on every review. Rather than doing this, why dont you sell off your piece of sh** if you are not satisfied with it. Go in for a splendor man, that is what will satisfy u. Grow up, learn to appreciate good things. There are some lot of ppl wh Read More...
Rated on santhoshwiz's review
Commented on santhoshwiz's review
Hey good review. Congrats for ur bike. Regarding the gear noise, this is common and one has to learn to live with it. It is just the noise that is emited and nothing else. No need to worry. You will need to be careful with the paint too. Take care as it takes even minor scratches very easily. Read More...
Rated on donthepirate's review
Commented on donthepirate's review
A real good review with a lot of modification suggestions. Would definately be helpful as the bike grows old. The mileage u have quoted is same as the new generation 180 inspite of ur modifications for mileage. May be considering ur model being 2003, is still giving this range is quite good. I agree Read More...
Followed Dinzaach82
Commented on piyushneedforspeed's review
I have touched 110 on my P180. Never had any such experience, no vibrations as such. Yes a noise emits from the front, which i guess is due to the wrong tappet clearance, should be fixed during servicing. Nothing else, braking is fine no complaints. Get the brake lines checked and top up the br Read More...
Followed brijmishra11
Commented on armygal_veela's review
U have placed the XCD review in the wrong section sweety.
Commented on roy.subhashish's review
Hi!! ''My experience says that you can challenge a pulsar 200cc with this bike also.'' Gr8, u seem to be a very good rider with very good imaginative power. Well keep it up. Congrats for your new bike. Regards, Titus.
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