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Member Since:Aug 04, 2011
40 MS Points
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Worst Experience even before flying
Reviewed Air Asia
On of the lessons I have learnt recently is never fall for a cheap offer, during last November there was an offer in AirAsia cheapest tickets in India, I fellRead more...
Excellent product and service
Reviewed Snapdeal
I brought multiple products like SD cards, leather wallet , case of my smart phone etcDelivery time and product are excellent. I even had people calling fromRead more...
Online Shopping with India times - absolute no no
Reviewed Shoppingdiatimes
This is the my lone worst experience I ever had online shopping. Earlier I always used to do online shopping at flipkart, homeshop18 , ebay all my experience Read more...
Perfect place where you shouldnt buy anything fro
Reviewed Soldinsixty
On 8 September I placed an order for a hometheatre order number 13722 PHILIPS HOME THEATRE DSP2500+DVP3826 and on the same day I placed 4 orders at homeshop18Read more...
The Mobile Store warranty - a month run around
Reviewed The Mobile Store - Bangalore
I had taken a LG KM355 from the Mobile store 1.5 years back and during the time of purchase, mobile store offered an additional one year warranty which I gladRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
As expected they still have not refunded the ticket charges, every time you call they say within next 48 hours it will get credited in account, no use of writing to nodal offer , never recieved any response even after writing 4 to 5 times.....when you call the call center they say policy is within 5 Read More...
Commented on kasikeyan's review
Hahahah looks like its a paid review , the last line says it all
Rated on kasikeyan's review
Hahahah looks like its a paid review , the last line says it all :)
Rated on anandmarora7's review
I would request Snapdeal guys to call AKjoshi and get the issue sorted. Akjoshi5: I had similar problems with shoppingIndiatimes.com , you can read my reviews there too . Trust me it was way different with snapdeal people...Times people made me cry , I hope you are not going through similar experi Read More...
Final Update: Finally I got the package on 21st May , a day after my wife's birthday.... lost the significance of buying this for her.... anyways the product is in good shape and she liked it.... thanks to Karbonn....and thank you Mr Escalation manager shobodeep who called me up on Friday 17th and t Read More...
:) I already had a one dose of Impeccable resolution. Yesterday evening one your org member named Mr Siddique called me and told that they recieved the payment and asked me if he could process the order , I asked him to go ahead and process the order and today afternoon the escalation manager called Read More...
Rated on maulin_shah's review
Update to this blog, Finally one of Managers from the Mobile Store called and apologised ... it was a nice gesture , he also promised none of the customers will undergo similar bad experience ... my advise to them was to do the same in their own interest. .... Thank you for calling and putting me at Read More...
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Arvind Gupta (@Arvind1961MouthShut Verified Member)
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Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)
Sreenivasulu Vallamkonda (@nivas_inMouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
Mano Karan (@tmanokarMouthShut Verified Member)
Sk Mehadi Hassan (@smhassanjeeMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 5