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Member Since:Sep 13, 2009
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CCD the Great Indian Success Story,slowly souring
Reviewed Cafe Coffee Day - City Light - Surat
Ever since its first outlet on Brigade Road in the early90s, I have watched the growth of this cafe chain with pride.simply because its an eRead more...
Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard.
Reviewed Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000
I have had long years of frustration when it comes to using keyboards.  I normally sit at my comp for hours on end and use it for extensive typing.  I have foRead more...
My search for the Ultimate Indian Terrain Tamer.
Reviewed Tata Safari DiCOR
I needed a reliable vehicle that would meet not just my daily requirements of an average city life, but would also cater to those major once-in-a-year flightsRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Prashant_0's review
This is a problem we all face with services in India. Pathetic would not begin to describe it. No matter how modern or advanced our business systems get, the people behind the machines - and their mindsets - are the same old. Make a few paise now....and to heck with the future.
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Rated on sudax's review
Rated on abdullah1982's review
Rated on ryan2010's review
Commented on aaronhs's review
I found your review reasonably well detailed, but I found your spelling absolutely fascinating!
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Rated on Sandeepdeva's review
Rated on sunnysrivastava's review
Rated on najhash's review
Commented on najhash's review
It would be great if you could give us that doctors name. I have personally had a very good experience in St.Johns, so am really surprised at what you had to go through. Please give the name of the doctor, it will be a big help to the rest of us who go to this hospital... Thanks, Ranjit.
Rated on cerebral_attack's review
Rated on Anoop.Vettath's review
Commented on Anoop.Vettath's review
A fellow-Safari freak....nice review! Wish those moaners out there would learn to accurately rate a car.
Followed Anoop.Vettath
Followed aaryesdee
Commented on hakeemraj's review
I empathise with your feelings here, but: Did you make full payment before delivery? I f so, you had relinquished all control on the deal. Did you check with the sales person regarding your options upon dissatisfaction upon delivery? If you had, I am sure you would have been informed about Read More...
Rated on hakeemraj's review
Commented on traveller_blr's review
Thanks for that first-hand experience. This outfit has always struck me as 'fake' what with all their seemingly tall promises, not to mention that joker with his 'thumbs-up' in every ad....talk about self-promotion!
Rated on traveller_blr's review
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