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Member Since:Sep 16, 2004
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Education: IIT Bombay
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Waste of Money - Defective Designs
Reviewed HP Pavilion DV2000
The HP Pavilion "dv" series of laptops has a manufacturing defect. This applies to devices in the series: DV2000 / DV6000 / DV9000 Information about this defRead more...
Waste of Money - Defective Design of the Laptop
Reviewed HP Pavilion DV6000
The HP Pavilion DV6000 series of laptops has a manufacturing defect. This information can be found on HPs website at: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/docuRead more...
Swanky Web-Worlds, Filthy Service!
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Reliance India Mobile in Bombay: I was always a bit skeptical on buying a Reliance phone. Esp after hearing horror stories from some of their customers - mosRead more...
Functionally fine. Not very robust.
Reviewed Godrej Champion 170L Refrigerator
I purchased the Godrej Champion 170L Champion for Rs 7,200/- about two years ago and have been using it everyday since then. I was living alone and merely wanRead more...
Decent network quality. Poor customer service.
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I post my experience with Airtel, Maharashtra (Pune). I availed their pre-paid connection for about a year. Later, I switched to a post-paid connection on Read more...
Good, not Great.
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
Five Point Someone is certainly a good read. Good, not great. Its about 3 buddies from IIT Delhi - Ryan, Alok and Hari - their experience with the IIT way ofRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on javed02's review
Commented on javed02's review
It is just product information from the brochure. Nothing insightful. Review does not describe the user's actual experience with the product.
Commented on bhavna.desai's review
Thank you for your review. I was planning to subscribe to BigFlix. But after going over your review and some others out here, I'm not going to try this service anymore.
Rated on bhavna.desai's review
Commented on thedreamscapedj's review
Thanks for your review Anand. I faced a similar set of problems with my dv6000 laptop. Here is a link to my review: http://www.mouthshut.com/revi ew/HP_dv6000-147294-1.html I see a note at the end of your review - that HP finally fixed it for you. I’m wondering how you were able to get it res Read More...
Commented on pravinparatey's review
Thank you for your detailed review Pravin. After a year of warranty, I experienced almost a similar set of issues with the dv6000 laptop. Here is the link to my review: http://www.mouthshut.com/review/HP_dv6000-147294-1.html Also hearing about the poor customer service of HP India, I'm rel Read More...
Rated on pravinparatey's review
Commented on doogie.browser's review
That was a really exhaustive review. Thanks and keep it up!
Rated on subhasishsur's review
Rated on gaggz's review
Commented on arupby's review
Hi, Thanks a lot for your review. It was useful indeed. Do keep writing. Technical details on your website? What is the URL of your site? Could you please post it here. Thanks!
Rated on farhadtarapore's review
Rated on besthar's review
Commented on own review
Mitul, Well, I am a student at IIT Bombay and have used Reliance for the past several months on the campus at Powai. You can know more about me here: http://www.it.iitb.ac.in/~roshan Firstly, you ought to have some courtesy before you make any such allegations. Your comment comes out as out Read More...
Rated on nishanu34's review
Rated on zion's review
Rated on milinddesai's review
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