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Member Since:Dec 19, 2008
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The best bike in 125 cc segment. Go for it!
Reviewed Yamaha SS125
I got my SS125 just 3 days back and have done hardly 150 kms on the bike. I want to share my true experience with the bike till now. About SS125: SS125 is tRead more...
Not satisfied with my Yamaha RX 135
Reviewed Yamaha RX135
I have bought an old Yamaha RX 135 from my classmate. Its 11 years old and still has good power. I am facing come problems with the bike. First of all tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on abhiklpm's review
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dsfsdssd sd s sd
Rated on MouthShutID007's review
Rated on bullitaas's review
Commented on hrkrshn's review
Opinion's always matter.. But I would prefer SS 125 to Slingshot...
Commented on avinashks's review
I also wrote a review.. and both of us have the same views.. Cheers!
Ofcourse... The bike would suit people in the range of 5.5-6.0 feet. There's no technical difference between gladiator type ss and ss125.. The only difference is the graphics.. and colors.. engine and parts are the same.. Yamaha remodelled the bike to make it look sportier.. (mostly corrected the Read More...
SS has got looks and reliability but will give u mileage of 55-60. So, you have to think and decide, whether you want to save money or have a thrilling experience with SS.
@sathyanarayanan89: May be someone fooled with the video. Ok leave it. No one's gonna ever drive that fast. @varzeon: Dude, my friends also said this when I asked them. They said no to yamaha. But as soon as I took them to the showroom and let them test ride it, they said its great. I was confuse Read More...
Sathyanarayanan89, I have attached a video of a guy who reached 140kph on the ol model of gladiator. May be you will belive me now that SS125 can reach 120. Look up to find the video. :)
Its yamaha mate! Yamaha's speciality is high torque at higher rpms. I am damn sure it wil reach 120. And never compare tvs with yamaha. Yamaha's competitors are suzuki and honda.
Commented on samur420's review
Ya right all the novels except 5 point someone uses sex to attract attention. It sucks!
Rated on ssmraju1's review
Commented on kishorechowdary555's review
The first one is Gladiator SS, old version. The other is SS125, a descendant of the Gladiator, with the same parts and design. The new SS125 has better mileage. Both the bikes rock. You only have to chose the design which looks good to you.
Commented on trueindian2911's review
Ya, I agree with trueindian. I also dont like Indian brands for Automobiles, except TATA because of the standard of its products. Bajaj bikes dont have the standard to be compared with the Japanese technology of Honda. In short, Indians dont deserve making bikes..
Thanks everyone...and yes raju_elangos..can i get ur E-mail Id? I have read ur review and found it great...
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