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Member Since:Oct 10, 2004
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The Perfect Phone K700i
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K700i
The Perfect Phone K700i I have used many phones in the past but there was one which truly stands out. The Sony Ericsson K700i. This is the upgraded version oRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on Viini's review
Commented on Viini's review
wow for a 17yr old, thats pretty damn good. you own a x5 and a camry. . . . . . . . . . . NOT!!!
Commented on akd1's review
mr.bobs please see the acceleration of a manual honda accord and automatic honda accord, same model same engine. you will see the manual accelerates faster (it might only be 1 sec). you cannot compare a auto 4cylinder honda accord to say a new honda civic even if its cheaper the civic is lighter a Read More...
Rated on simv's review
Rated on indian1969's review
Rated on athulunni's review
Commented on athulunni's review
what are you trying to say. hooga booga boooga booo. ur review makes no sense. take a hike and go fly american air
Commented on vidz7's review
i still dont have a clue as to why ppl fly on air insane, its just cragy. everybody knows its a horrible airline. avoid it at all costs irrespective of how much $$$$$ u can save flying on air insane
Commented on kgvdoss's review
well i guess we need better umpires to catch the germans and australians, how can they get away with cheating, if u can spot them cheat im sure world class level umpires shud be able to, or else kick em out.
wat ur sayin is that indians have to just keep smashin the ball to win, i disagree. hockey is a team sport, just like soccer. blindly smashing the ball towards the goal wont help them win. they have to pass smartly and try to score. thats y they call it a team sport, n not tennis.
Rated on kgvdoss's review
to break ur heart, but ur review was useless to me. so india passin the ball is reason for them not winning?? lmao thats hilarious. so they shud just close their eyes and smash the ball? wow im sure that will help get their @$$ whooped real welll. P.S hockey is a team sport, all of them just s Read More...
Commented on sunilshri72's review
the company is no more, but trust me u wont havve a problem findin parts or servicing the vehicle, only ignorant ppl say stay away cause u cant find parts, i say bullsheet thats not true. the car is excellent for city driving, even though accel is not too much. but still a very good car overall Read More...
Commented on arvin's review
the part about shifting into neutral when coasting up to traffic light i do not agree. i just downshift as i slow down and move into neutral only when i am going almost dead slow. this way i can save clutch and brakes. yes keeping the clutch pressed all the time is not good for the clutch, but i t Read More...
Commented on rajan_welankar's review
if your lock code is not the default and ur sure u didnt change it, that means u got a used phone. someone else has set a diff code, call SE and tell them that the place u bought it frm is useless customer service.
Rated on Big_G's review
Commented on Big_G's review
dang man, vanilla ice rap???? holy smokes u sure r whack. pls which club do u dj at? i gotta make sure i dont come there, for all i kno u might start playing backstreet boys saiyin thats hiphop. lmao
Commented on hp00968's review
nice real nice. loved the review. extremely informative, excellent job.
Rated on alx_joe's review
Commented on alx_joe's review
man i cant believe u fell for somethin this stupid. wow now if only my mailbox key wud open the swiss bank frm 9000 miles away. lol, i had a good laugh readin this.
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