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Member Since:Nov 14, 2010
0 MS Points
I am someone with a varied interests right from driving, reading books, watching films and writing. Professionally I am a Project Manager but my interests lie across so many things making every day fun to live. Driving Reading Writing Playing Tabla Watching Movies & TV Series Volunteering Animal Lover
About Me
Education: MBA
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S Cross is really a Premium Offering
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki S Cross DDiS 200 Zeta
I must admit that I completely mean what I have written in the title of this review. I was using an 8 year old Petrol Swift(base model) for last year & half aRead more...
A Big Disappointment!!
Reviewed Independence Day: Resurgence
I was as excited as any other movie buff who wanted to watch the second part of Independence Day, but to me it was a big disappointment. I could not bring homRead more...
OMG - Fresh & Solid
Reviewed OMG - Oh My God
OMG is not just a film it is a dark comedy on the current state of mind of the country in terms of religion and the stature of the Godmen. The movie revolves Read more...
30,000 KM in my Tata Nano!!!
Reviewed Tata Nano
The first time when Tata Motors had announced the launch of Tata Nano and the booking was opened, I wanted to book one but somehow missed it. A year and half Read more...
Legacy Delivered
Reviewed The Bourne Legacy
Legacy delivered. The film is a true testimonial for movies which can continue to deliver the sequels even with out the prime character existing in the film. Read more...
Cunning, witty, realistic, fantsatic
Reviewed Gangs Of Wasseypur
If you ever thought that its only Ram Gopal Verma who can get closest to realty, then its time to rethink.  There is no doubt in my mind when I write on AnuraRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
I am from Hyderabad. I get mileage of 22 km in the city and the engine doesn't become too hot and i have reached 80 to 90 kmph and the car is stable.
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