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Member Since:Oct 26, 2002
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Education: MBA
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Dhirubhai Ka Sapna Sab Ka Mal Apana
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Reliance a name in business which has platinum impression in market. Weather Reliance opening an share issue or launch any product most of the people treat itRead more...
More Cry Per Hour
Reviewed TVS Victor
Hello Friends, I am crazy about bikes even if I m female. I have RX100 and TVS Victor. I dont recommend TVS Victor to those persons who wants to buy neRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
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Commented on vijayranjith's review
You have said in your review that the mp3 playback is mono but it works fine with ultra mp3. But u mentiones wrong information here. I also have 3230 but ultra mp3 is not giving stereo output. Don't provide false info. to users of mouthshut. Shilpa
Commented on love2faiz's review
U have described functions and features in too short manner. How people will make decision to go for it or not? I hope u will write long informative reviews in future. Shilpa
Rated on love2faiz's review
Commented on Socrates's review
I think the problem u described in yr review is very rare. It will happen to any kind of goods e.g TV, Refrigerator, DVD player etc. The main purpose of every review is feedback, which is not available here. If possible kindly include feedback about its functions how it works and which extent it is Read More...
Rated on Socrates's review
Commented on ashay123's review
Let me clarify one thing here. I m using this phone since Jan-05. The first drawback of this phone is it plays MONO mp3 song output evenif the song is stereophonic. Second major drawback is it has only 6 MB internal memory which is not sufficient to copy a song fron one phone to my phone in MMC card Read More...
Followed sdesai
Commented on sdesai's review
NOKIA 2100 seems good but one more model from SonyErricson called as T100 is also one of the best entry level phone for the beginers. Its cost is just Rs. 5200 which is cheaper than this model.
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