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Member Since:Aug 03, 2005
0 MS Points
I am a friendly person and anything for the sake of friendship.I simply cannot resist food and I'm thankful that despite my 24 hrs munching my weight is balanced..miracles do happen I must say.. I detest it from the core,mantle and the rocks of my heart when people show attitudes of lacking civic sense(eg:not throwing a banana skin in the dust-bin). My most cherished interests happen to be horse-riding,mountaineering and trekking but somehow due to packed schedules its difficult to take time out for these but if given a chance I would spend the entire day with a fast horse at a hill station like Nainital. I love cooking but unfortunately the stuff that I cook turns out to be esoteric and fortunately nobody falls sick though after having Jeeta made food. I love travelling and visiting places.Got this jinx perhaps cuz I've spent more than half of my life at residential schools. My favourite pastime happens to be window-shopping,reading novels,watching movies and listening to music. Recently have taken a stern inclination towards interior decoration.Leaving all these aside I aspire to become a successful software engineer as a professional.
About Me
Education: BE
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''devils in disguise''
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Brother
If only had I got the alert of this product being added to the MS database on or before 4th March 06, this review would have been dedicated only to my bRead more...
''let me take you on the ride my way''
Reviewed Taxi No 9211
Hello MSians!!! SOCIETY...who is the society? You are the society...I am the society...each one of us is the society.If we change for the better,the societyRead more...
An anthem of the
Reviewed Anthem - Ayn Rand
Hello People!!! This time around no random ramblings but straight and short-cut to the topic i.e.AYN RA NDS ANTHEM. PROS:: --------------------------Read more...
''...they dared...''
Reviewed Women Who Dared - Ritu Menon
Helloo MSians!!! While cruising down the highway of life,we might come across many manifestations of circumstances,some good some bad.Our individual personalRead more...
It can happen in India also!!!
Reviewed In America
In America!!! Hellou Msians!! Time is a funny yet intelligent thing.Its known as the best healer so every stance of agony is left on time for a transition tRead more...
Horrific experience!!!
Reviewed Tips on Traveling in Buses
JOURNEY BY BUS---THE 6-WHEELED TORPEDO!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I begin penning down my views onRead more...
Maa tujhe salaam!!!
Reviewed Songs I Would Dedicate to my Mother
When I see a picture of the Statue of Liberty, Im reminded of its creator, Brother Batholdi, of such a magnanimous structure that delivers a warm feelinRead more...
Wish it was easy!!!
Reviewed Five Songs To Get Over Heartbreak
is an unavoidable force of nature that resides in every heart, whose course of action can be observed in the form of emotions.When emotions are expressed, love Read more...
I am a successful liar
Reviewed Being Successful at Interviews
Are you wondering if LYING is my profession??Well may be if success touches n licks n sucks my feet. Now coming to the point, generally in campus recruitmentRead more...
The top 10...from the bottom of the list!!!
Reviewed Ten Worst Commercials of 2005
My top 10.from the bottom of the list - Thanx to the person who requested for this topic. Commercial commercials must have some commercial appeRead more...
Reviewed Nainital
NAINITAL ----------------- Heelloouu MSians!!! Hey people I guess all of you had a wonderful Christmas and those of you who didnRead more...
Whats different???
Reviewed Petrol Vs. Diesel car
Hello MSians! This topic is in fact a very interesting topic specially for people who are on an errand of purchasing a car.Well, I am not on such an errand buRead more...
Reviewed Ten Best Television Commercials
My Fav Commercials - Ads.ads.ads. The day begins with the cuckooing of an Ajanta clock.or with wireless technology getting so hi-fidelity typesRead more...
''Phenomenal possessions!!!''
Reviewed Five Gifts You Would Like to Receive
Hiee people! I had a semester paper today and ruined it fortunately(to do better in the back) or unfortunately(perspectives differ).It was my room-mateRead more...
Heights of boredom!!!
Reviewed Shaadi No. 1
To, The MSians, www.mouthshut.com Subject::I AM DEAD Dear Men,Women and Children, Read more...
My 5 fav patriotic songs
Reviewed Ten Best Patriotic Songs
Helloooo MSians! The first statement that I feel like writing in this review isI am truly, madly and deeply proud of being an INDIAN despite the Read more...
A boon received accidentally!!!
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
Hello MSians! To start right away,for a person so inexpressive as me,MS.com serves as an easy means of speaking my heart out and the best part being I can geRead more...
Happyness n Peace craved!!!
Reviewed The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma
Well,this is the 1st time that m writing a review on any product.Hope it turns out 2 be of some help to at least some of u.To tell u frankly,i read this book Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
dear sir, with due respect i do not want to disrespect you or insult you in any way.i have written very clearly in my review that if one is not confident about making smart lies whenevr the situation demands i have strictly advised them not to do so.if you havent figured that out yet,please go thro Read More...
Rated on captcharisma22's review
Rated on msbaghel_stn's review
Commented on msbaghel_stn's review
hey have never read of wodehouse's but would like to.the review was veryyy brief perhaps thats why it missed out a bit on attracting the reader so much towards the book.nevertheless a nice review. jeeta
Rated on kapsi's review
Commented on kapsi's review
i did u a favour n u call me the contaminating factor for that?huh...come in fornt of me once n tht'll be the last day of..of...may be calling me a contaminating factor!!! well thanx for getting me electronically popular cya keep writing n i mustn't forget abt the last paragraph of ur review...i Read More...
Rated on Workout02's review
hey there thanx for RRC. well i have become more of mental staying with you. will convey the wishes to my bro n bade bhaiya as well.no regrets about that n i promise i wont kill u. cya keep writing
hiee.. thanx so much for stopping by.m glad u appreciated my review. cya keep writing
hiee... thanx for RRC and the appreciation..this definitely gives a direction to do better. cya keep writing
hey there... thanx for RRC.to tell u the truth,its cuz of my B.Tech where i've been writing answers in the exams point-wise since 4 years,i've got this inclination towards things which appear in the form of points.perhaps thats why these LIST reviews.. cya keep writing
hey there thanx for RRC.. guess what i wanted a brother and a sister and I ended up having three brothers[cute devils] cya keep writing
hey there... yopes its true that when in trouble broz are the first ones to turn up to help but when its a prank...they are the first ones to show their back at you!!! haha...a maid-servant is an essential for brothers. cya keep writing
hiee thanx for RRC. i really laughed at ur DVD swapping idea.i wish it had struck me earlier. cya keep writing
hiee.... i suggest that u must watch this movie.its comedy and reality as well.just watch out for nana patekar when he's craving for a single n last visit 2 his son at his school. cya keep writing
hey there.. long time no see!!hope u doing good.thanx for RRC and appreciating my views and ideas. cya keep writing
hey there... special thanx 2 u cuz this is the longest comment i have ever received on any review.m glad that u noticed what i wanted 2 bring 2 people's notice.m glad that u supposrt my views. cya keep writing
Rated on mohanR's review
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