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Member Since:Aug 02, 2006
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Sulekha-No 1 cheater company
Reviewed Sulekha
I started a small firm in Jan 2013 so I need of marketing. I had asked some of my friends, they insisted on Sulekha, Indiamart etc. I called Sulekha about theRead more...
Pathetic service by eTechies
Reviewed Etechies
I have subscribed for AMC but I have been suffering after I took the AMC. Please dont ever go to eTechies for your laptop/desktop services. First of allRead more...
Just Dial Services to the Customers
Reviewed Just Dial Pvt Ltd
Recently I had bought a DELL Vastro 1015 laptop from Micro Land computers in Koramangala as per the Just Dial recommendation. Initially customer interaction Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
This is not resolved instead I left it like that. I can't handle those people. But the issue is not resolved. They keep on updating these type of messages here and there so beware of that. They are least bother to contact the person to resolve the issue. I don't know how they can post message withou Read More...
Hi there, Now 2017, the issue was raised in 2013. See how serious about the business once payment made. In a whole year not single call converted to business. so pathetic..... new comers be serious....
Do you think this is a information or Social service provider by exploiting people for your business growth. If that is the case why did you mentioned that ''Just Dial Certified'' so Stupid..... Testimonials.... you people put only positive feedback even I had put a Negative feedback but you people Read More...
Rated on guptaet's review
Rated on topnotchfm's review
Commented on topnotchfm's review
Yes may be your friend is satisfied, what about the customer. Just Dial has to satisfy the customers otherwise in the long run they loose the business.
Rated on nsugumar's review
Commented on ashish.rai398857's review
Hi, Please don't go for Religare online. Initially they took around 4 months to open an account for online trading and then finally I opened an account because I told them that I am going file a case against them in the consumer court.I used Geojit and Sharekhan. Sharekhan is good for online tr Read More...
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Rated on ajits1978's review
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