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Member Since:Jan 04, 2005
0 MS Points
I live to code and code to live. Like someone rightly commented, I'm a gizmo freak. Computer hardware / software/ cameras / GPS solutions.
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Go mobile with Windows!
Reviewed HTC Herald P4350
Even before my Nokia died due to multiple fracture injuries a few months back, I had decided my next phone would be a windows mobile. Reasons: Intuitive useRead more...
Stylish Powerhouse!
Reviewed Dell XPS M1530
I had been considering buying a new laptop for months and had narrowed down my requirements to this list: Decent enough processor(A core2 duo 2.0 Gz was ideaRead more...
Nx6110 - Winner all the way
Reviewed HP Compaq nx6110
I bought an HP nx6110 last month and Id like to share my experience with you. This is one of the many notebooks now available in India with a sub 35000 Read more...
No Waterloo this!
Reviewed The Division Bell - Pink Floyd
Ive been infected by this floyd virus for the past 12 years, ever since my elder brother brought home a cassette of The Wall. Its really amaRead more...
Full Marks to 3530!!
Reviewed Nokia 3530
I know its an old and out of date model Im writing about, but it really is such a great phone, I cant stop loving it. Last june, I bought my frienRead more...
Best MP3 Phone!!
Reviewed Nokia 3300
A few days back I was looking around for a new mobile handset, and I had quite a few models to consider. My primary requirements were Color screen, PolyphonicRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on jebby's article
Its not about advancement in IT Its about purchasing power. Period. Even though thousands will swoon over these sexy machines in stores, how many will go out and buy a Rs. 80,000 machine? When I spoke to a Dell rep over the phone, he told me that fancy computer hardware attracts a huge customs du Read More...
Laptops.... how advanced are we ??
Couldn't agree more I guess I'm the fellow MSian you are referring to. I have had my share of frustration too. Before I bought the M1530, I spent 3-4 months researching what was available in the market. Incidentally, the XPS is at best a compromise for me. I wanted a rugged sturdy machine that I Read More...
Commented on jebby's review
My only concern is, how well is the system integrated? I remember 3 years back when I was shopping for my first laptop, the low end laptops had just begun to appear in the market. Both Compaq and Acer had competing models. I actually checked the two competing models side by side and guess what! Even Read More...
Rated on AnanthN's review
Commented on own review
@mr.nitish.kumar: * The deal I got on the 9 cell battery was a limited time offer since the 6 cell battries were out of stock. * I got the VAT (3%) waived off as corporate discount. * Perhaps the increased price of dollar has some role to play in this ? @Raj, baruah.siddhartha: Thanks Read More...
Rated on balan_murugan's review
No, it doesn't play any videos, its based on the Nokia series 40 platform. ngage etc are based on series 60 platform. These days you can buy it for <5000.
It's available at some dealers in Pune. Let me know if you need any further help.
Rated on mariner2's review
Commented on mariner2's review
Your review is absolutely amazing. I've been a die hard Pink Floyd fan for the last 12 years, they are absolutely unbeatable, anytime, anyday!
Commented on Venchasa's review
Hi! Lost for words is my favorite too. There's so much emotion in their music, it super charges you and makes you feel more alive. This is my favorite floyd album,followed closely by Dark side of the moon and The wall... Keep writing these great reviews. Mayank
Rated on Venchasa's review
Commented on putush's review
Great review! I had not heard that album until I read your review. Now that I have, I totally agree with you. Savage Garden was one of the few of the new bands I liked listening to, most of my other favorites belong to the Pink Floyd era. He's got a unique style thats makes his songs so exciting. Da Read More...
Commented on Studio01's review
I bought a 3300 last month and it cost me Rs.7500. But I really had to scout around the city to get this model. Best of luck!! Mayank
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