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Member Since:Mar 11, 2009
50 MS Points
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Tikona Router of Shame On My Terrace
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
My Custome ID is, it should be, was, 1118780341. I had a brief, very brief association with Tikona which lasted for about 20 days. From the very first day of Read more...
Bloomers by Travel Khana BLog with IRCTC
Reviewed Experience of Traveling in Passenger Trains
Things you must know about rail reservation: Quote: Everyday tons and tons of people take the train to travel across the country." Rail Reservation" Quote:Read more...
Housejoy, national and International(?)
Reviewed Housejoy
Housejoyclaims: regerous certification background checks insured guarenteed My experience with Laptop service and you be the judge "can we rely"on them Read more...
Unreliable Kaunsa.com-online shopping portal
Reviewed Online Shopping Experience
I ordered Mens shoe from Kaunsa.com and paid thru visa card Rs.435 on 30.8.12.The product was supposed to be delivered by 9.9.12, but never came.They rRead more...
Reviewed Aircel Mobile Operator
I am amazed at the plithora of complaints. I am a victim of Airtels calluousness in dealing with their customtakeouters. I have gone thru all the properRead more...
Unreliable,lazy staff
Reviewed Fabmall - Bangalore
Today I , as ill luck would have, it visited the MORE(Trinethra Super Retail, vijayanagar and to no surprise this visit proved my worst expectations.Lots of sRead more...
Unethical behaviour of India Today Book
Reviewed Encyclopedia Britannica Alamanac 2005 -
Accepting an online offer from India Today Book Club I placed an order which was confirmed by them ref ITBC/PD/9810, and I was asked to payRs.574.17 to the poRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
Threats wont work. Tikona have broken rules, cheated me. As far as refund is concerned the telephonic conversation you mention our a/cs department is working on it. From my experience I have learnt that I cannot trust you. I have raised my concerns to Mr. Ashok Bajpai, Founder & CEO and two separate Read More...
Tikona just a few minutes back called me to say the refund cheque is ready, but surrender the router furst. If I hand over the router, then I will never get back mymoney. Their representative Mr.Praveen(8748800244, 8050573268) had once came to my house and offered rs.1300 and give him the router. H Read More...
This is the umpteenth time I am hearing this excuse. When I complain to their Face book, similar excuses were given. I will believe only when they execute their promises instead of mouthing and promising.
Commented on syncmaster123's review
Of the many onsite shopping, i am delighted with E-bay,Flipkart,snapdeal.I was really amazed when the Flipkart delivery team told me u can use your credit card,I am having the machine, if the cash payment is inconveneint!
Followed keerikkunnel
Rated on syncmaster123's review
My advice approach Akosha.com. they are persistant and in my case they helped in getting the refund, and dthe best part is since the va,ue was not high, they didnt charge me a paise.
Commented on guyton100's review
Their tracking system is not working and the customer care # does not respond.Their service is deteriorating.
Commented on websitedesigners's review
A few times I have used, they sent some leads but no response from most of them.
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Rated on udayjhalla's review
Rated on JaveedAhmedM's review
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