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Member Since:Mar 15, 2010
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Reviewed Mapmyindia
Ive been using mapmyindia products for a long time & recently bought their new offering GPS Navigator Roadpilot & I must say that it has been a huge impRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on nirmalbhogadi's review
Which application did u buy. They dont seem to have an application that cost Rs 750
Rated on raj247's review
Commented on raj247's review
Complete Crap. No complete details. When you say old it seems that you bought a device with old version of maps. As for Maps in Europe & USA you should know that the address system there is uniform unlike India where after 1 one cannot expect to find 2 but something else. Be grateful that at least t Read More...
Rated on anoop_aggarwal's review
Commented on anoop_aggarwal's review
I agree with shiva
Rated on DeepakDelhi's review
Commented on DeepakDelhi's review
Seems a lot of you are frustrated. The product works excellently for me & i've been their user since early GPS Days. You guys need to understand that in a country like ours mapping is not easy considering addresses are not uniform. So there will be a discrepency. try using other maps such as ovi map Read More...
Rated on kamat79's review
Commented on kamat79's review
Kamat. Seriously try using nokia ovi maps. They are pathetic. What version of map are you using. Did you buy it from a dealer or from the company. Chances are if you bought from a dealer he might have sold you with an outdated version of maps. If so update to the latest version.
Rated on cbgoswami1's review
Commented on cbgoswami1's review
@kamat79 : Kamat. In your review you said you bought the mapmyindia device for 18k where as carpad costs around 24k which in my opinion are different products with different navigation packages built in. As per cbgoswami1 yes everyone has the right to voice their opinions. Just because the review is Read More...
Commented on MadCarLover's review
Guys i think we need to understand one thing. Unlike US or UK where address system is uniform & we know that after address 1 no 2 will come. In India the situation is totally different. Take the scenario of Noida itself. After sector 1, 2 is supposed to come but the reality is different. In such sce Read More...
Commented on jphonest2000's review
I 've been using the same product for quite a long time but do not face any such issues. In fact it has worked out very well for me. Does your car have a tinted glasses. I heard it affects the connectivity although i'm not sure of it. On a matter of using in built ovi maps i'd be quite sceptic. I've Read More...
Commented on DebasishB's review
Debashish I bought mine in March. Just upgraded to version 5.0 maps. Apart from minor hiccups it works fine. Are you using version 4 of the maps or 5.0.
Commented on pkolanu's review
This is completely disgusting. Misleading consumers with false reviews & information. These people should be banned or flagged from the forums. Guys again WRITE GENUINE REVIEWS. EDUCATE CONSUMERS. @Rohanguns: I completely agree with you. A guy joins & instead of writing pros & cons of sa Read More...
Rated on pkolanu's review
Pradeep. I’m an avid GPS user & have used both the products & I find your review to be very interesting especially when you stated that satguide gave you a discount of Rs 1000 when you told them you were a disgruntled mapmyindia customer. I find this to be very cheap tactic on satguide part. Read More...
ve been using mapmyindia products for a very long time & recently bought their new GPS navigator Road pilot and I must say that it has been huge a improvement over the existing navigators. The maps have been upgraded to include more cities & point of interests which is a huge relief as I Read more...
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