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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Oct 18, 2008
0 MS Points
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Education: BCA
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Good Food with Bad Service
Reviewed Pizzaurant - Saidapet - Chennai
Ok the story goes on like this. I read the one and only review in this forum about Pizzaurant. I happened to go to that location and saw the place after that.Read more...
My first Review: My Sweet Ride FZ16
Reviewed Yamaha FZ16
Ok, After being a member for a long time first review. Feels Great was just waiting for a right time. I was using my Calliber 115(hoodi baba) for more than 5Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on AMIT_7017's review
Yes the demands of the OS are high but lower than Vista..... Again Dx 11 makes a hell a lot of difference compared to Dx 9.0c or Dx 10 but you need to have the graphics card and the necessary game which are built for DX 11. Hope you get the point...... Even if you have a Bugatti Vernon and a dr Read More...
Rated on AMIT_7017's review
Rated on anshumanmaini's review
Rated on Sharma1982293's review
Commented on Sharma1982293's review
People never learn from the mistakes they do.... lets see if any one believes these business gimwicks
Rated on coolkunalsingh's review
Commented on coolkunalsingh's review
without saying why and how the incident happened this incident wouldnt bring light on any one or anything.... Even I could go and say that I got hit by Kamal hasan / Rajini kath etc then would it matter here without info on why and what happened??????
Commented on paragmodi's review
They are just like an intermediate person and they provide the info which they have nothing else, they are not detective agencies etc.... cant blame them
Rated on born2win2010's review
Commented on born2win2010's review
wat are u trying to say exactly??????????? In what ways are / were u affected....
Commented on own review
fyi I am 6'2 tall :-) still using the bike, its good, lettle short but good, for side sitting u get seperate stand now a days its available with the distributer itself. So ask for it... may be another 100 and 200 max for it. Recently too i met with an accident and the tire of this bike was my life s Read More...
Rated on Mahesh79's review
Commented on yatheesh's review
Yes it would be better to let us know your issue elabotately Again its upto us to let the guys know what the exact issue issue.... Think in their shoes you say some issue and they have to virtually imagine it, again it might be a completely new issue and might not be trained . If u think t Read More...
Commented on hellosri2001's review
i12321 Yudhister1111 karanpoonia manojkmr550 H1234433 All are fake Ids.... Check if they have any other review atall... and check their user ids lol.... Rediculas.... 99 % of Packers and movers sucks . I personally had experiance with 8 of them when I shifted and all of them suck.... I w Read More...
Rated on hellosri2001's review
Rated on karanpoonia's review
Commented on karanpoonia's review
How is that all of a sudden after one sigle bad review you created many new profiles and All the reviews are written on the same day when ever the user has joined and there is no other review from the same user. U can trick the new people but not the ones who always use Mouthshut. All Read More...
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ajaymittal151 (@ajaymittal151MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nishant Gupta (@OnsitegoMouthShut Verified Member)
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JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)