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Member Since:Oct 27, 2004
0 MS Points
<b>“You cannot paint a rainbow without the colours of the wind.</b> - This expression gives u an idea on how I think and reason. If you want a full fledged report on my character, read chapter ‘Scorpions’ in Linda Goodmans book. <i> I am, whatever you say I am </i> . Adventure, Sport, Travel, Books, Art, Science, Food, Philosophy, Psychology, anthropology and what not… <i> All that’s genius – is simple</i>
About Me
Education: M.Tech
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Worst Online Site Ever
Reviewed BagItToday
Bagittoday.com attracts you with their super offers. None of them are true. If they have offered you something worth say Rs.5000 - the product will in truth cRead more...
Intentionally shrewd
Reviewed Arinthum Ariyamalum
An other exceptional movie. Did I say “Exceptional” – are you asking me why? Simple effective story line without any unnecessary snag. EffRead more...
Great mail - Gmail
Reviewed Gmail.com
Gmail Gmail – or google mail, an electronic mail service by Google retains all its credit for excellent quality, good service and the simple package itRead more...
Pondy-where time stands still
Reviewed Pondicherry
Note: I have to tell you so Ill tell you - Drinking and Smoking are hazardous to health. Pondicherry alias Pondy Friday night and we were partying at Read more...
Munnar - a peep into heaven
Reviewed Munnar
It was an early morning drive to Munnar from Madurai. The weather was perfect; the birds were just waking up and preparing themselves for breakfast, dogs laziRead more...
It did get(z) me
Reviewed Hyundai Getz
It has been two months since I bought my ?passion red? Getz GLS. I have already covered more than 4500 kms and my love for this car only increase by the day. Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on MumbaiTiger's review
Rated on hp00968's review
Commented on aXehaWk's review
Welcome to the Mouth Shut. Nice comprehensive review. Great job - keep the beat going. Wolf Paw
Rated on aXehaWk's review
Rated on mona.agrawal's review
Commented on thinavila's review
Was just searching for a hacked version of the winzip. Your review came right on time. Very informative (at least for computer ignorant bozos like me) Cheers Wolf Paw
Rated on thinavila's review
Commented on psyxx's review
A bus - the short form of Omni bus is a large wheeled vehicle used to carry numerous persons including the driver - says one encyclopedia - I guess they haven't read your review yet - then they would know that its got a tyre that ain't even spinning. Great piece of junk - just great. A story t Read More...
Rated on psyxx's review
Rated on rajarshigh's review
Commented on own review
Psyxx, hey, thanks for the comment - the best part about Indian cinema is that all good movies are remade in all the languages - how do you think we're the worlds largest film makers. Originality??? yeah sure - we copy and you know what? - we're good at it. Sujai, Thanks for the comment. Yeah Read More...
Commented on Wassup_maanga's review
Nice review. I personaly think that the movie was a good one though - not a box office hit - but not one of those typical sleazy ones either. Excellent for a first timer. About the climax, nothing else would have really fit - to have a different climax the director would have had to pull in more Read More...
Rated on Wassup_maanga's review
Commented on iamsujaij's review
The problem is or the key factor that has put our society in this dreadful position is - Arranged Marriage A girl has to practically be sold off. Arranged marriages our nothing but business transactions - all the risk factors our considered and when both the parties think that the ROI is good en Read More...
Hi, that was a nice review - any review concerning real life experience is great - well, I guess that is exactly why MS is so popular. About the problem -oh yes, it is so very true (well, I guess I escaped this cruel experience - luckily my school didn't have any of these rules) but I know that Read More...
Rated on iamsujaij's review
They should be some interesting stories. It's always nice to listen stories like that. yeah, tell me - i think she doesn't even read my reviews now - maybe she thinks I'm one of this eve teaser guys or whatever. Strange women. Wolf Paw
Rated on nenners's review
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ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
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Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shilpa Gupta (@shilpagupta6798MouthShut Verified Member)
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Garvit Jain (@garvitjain301MouthShut Verified Member)