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Member Since:Apr 02, 2005
0 MS Points
It's easy to figure out who isn't a team player. They'll constantly remind the coach just how good they are.''. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former: BUT the latter you can find in abundance at all Telecom Service Providers Care-DELHI: Toll Free: 121 from your AirTel phone; & 111 from your hutch phone... (if u can Connect); @ AirTel CareTouch Favorite Quote: '' Mirror Mirror On The Wall (not wall-street) Who is ''The Dumb... Dumber.... and DUMBEST of All '' Any guesses, ''If anyone gets to find out....please dont let me know-I know it already !!!'' '' If Ignorance is a Bliss - All TELECOM Service Operator Employees must be in Heaven''
About Me
Education: B.Sc.Computer Science
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An Ode to My (Fallen) Hero-Ops Dir@Hutch-Delhi
Reviewed Orange Mobile Operator
First things first...I have to let the world know of the sorrow and pain I am feeling all because of HUTCHISON MAX TELECOM LEADERSHIP. Why? Let me tell you whRead more...
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Hi All, Wanted ya all to know of the spread of the Hutch Network... A couple of days back I was in Ahmedabad - yes, dadas land ! And being a post-paid sRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on daWidoW's review
Commented on Hutchland's review
'Who can dare to harass, Hutch Care Employees, yaar? They are immortal. Unse sir phodhne ka mutlab hai, 'Khoon bahana'. I thought, the Legal System in India, was somewhat sensible? But seeing the Threat like this, for something They have embezzled public funds? 'coz else, why would an MNC pull Read More...
Rated on Hutchland's review
Commented on Socrates's review
Hi Sandy, Hutch’s VERBAL DIARROHEA ACROSS BOUNDARIES: [’’I’m in UTOPIA’’, meaning, ’’Everything is PerrrFect, at my end’’! It’s you, the Customer, who is Scr***d, in the head. Get your head checked. Who asked you to take a Hutch Connection, in the first place? You make a mistake; now pay Read More...
Commented on sanmitta's review
Sanjeev, the most clearly spelt out Revu. Hutch’s VERBAL DIARROHEA ACROSS BOUNDARIES: [’’I’m in UTOPIA’’, meaning, ’’Everything is PerrrFect, at my end’’! It’s you, the Customer, who is Scr***d, in the head. Get your head checked. Who asked you to take a Hutch Connection, in the first Read More...
Commented on ashok.dcm's review
My Dear Friend, The most clearly spelt out Revu, I've seen in a long time. HUTCH's VERBAL DIARROHEA ACROSS BOUNDARIES: [ 'I'm in UTOPIA', meaning, 'everything is perrrfect, at my end'! It's you, the Customer, who is Scr***d, in the head. Get your head checked. Who asked you to take a H Read More...
Rated on ashok.dcm's review
Rated on vikasmaskeri's review
Commented on gvshukla's review
kuchh nahi hosakta hutch ka, as long as they don't take a complete 360 Degree change, overhauling, of their management. Pathetic is an understatement, for Hutch, be it network, Customer Dis-service, or Hutch management as a whole. Nice Title though, their 'U&I' has started sounding as constip Read More...
Rated on gvshukla's review
Commented on lionbyrd's review
' India's BEST TELECOM CARRIAGE' ? Bouy, thats called 'Self Acclaim'. After reading these articles about 290, one can only conclude, 'They (AirTel is BUYING their AWARDS' Who say's international organisation's aren't UP for sale, for giving CHEAP PUBLICITY? Rajiv Arora - Legal Head AirTe Read More...
Commented on vikasmaskeri's review
Hi Vikas, I can only offer my own article - read it. It'll perhaps answer all your doubts, why and where the problem lies? Certain traits are genetical (biological!) Have you read the Chinese aggression on India? Their famous NARA was: 'Hindi-Chini Bhai bhai' and then the Chinese would sly Read More...
Followed vikasmaskeri
Commented on TheAlchemist's review
Wow! There's Finally Competition IN ABSURDITY....lol I thought, my HutchPug was unbeatable, but lo! Bharti 'Big-B' has beaten My Chinese HutchPug- black, straight in it's EYE! No, wonder, the latest PUG in Hoardings, Cross-Marathon, has one eye bigger than the other...lol! Mr. Alchemist, We Read More...
Followed TheAlchemist
Rated on TheAlchemist's review
Rated on gayatrideshpande's review
Followed jasmine
Commented on bobbysinha's review
Hutch is still unfazed by all these complaints and branding that they get...? Doesn't this embarass us, Indians... Someone perhaps needs to get the to JANTA ki ADALAT... Catch them by their B***s and SCR*W them tight, once and for all.... Wish I had their POP Ki-lai-shing's personal e-ma Read More...
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