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Member Since:Sep 06, 2008
1 MS Points
you my visit my personal photo blog site www.himaanshu.com Thanks. Auto racing, reading, photography, etc.
About Me
Quotes: Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.
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The Lion Den Outside Of Africa
Reviewed Sasan Gir National Park
"Sasan Gir" just hear this word and it takes you to a different aura and time where lions roam free, they hunt without restrictions and of course not get huntRead more...
A Refreshing Tour - Date With The Wilderness
Reviewed Kanha National Park
Note: First a word of caution: Goto Kanha or any other reserve forest to enjoy nature and wildlife as whole and not only Tigers, that way you will not get diRead more...
My Next Big Thing
Reviewed Nikon D90 (Body only) DSLR Camera
My earlier DSLR was the great Nikon D40, of which I have also posted a review on this site. I call it great because no DSLR could beat it at the given price pRead more...
A Proud Possession
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
We have a petrol Swift VXi since last two years. We had used an Alto for nearly 4 years before this one. We were perfectly happy with Alto except space, so weRead more...
After 4 Years
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
I am a Formula Maruti National Championship race driver. I bought HH Karizma because there was no other sports bike in the market then (even Now) except BajajRead more...
A No Regret Buy
Reviewed Nikon D40
I bought this camera in late May this year and have shot some 5000(Update: 11000 by Mar09) snaps with it. I had owned film SLRs, rangefinders & digital Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on vijaymb's review
Rated on naveenthe11's review
Rated on vicky_kalia's review
Rated on bhaskarmr's review
Rated on bhatnagarpankaj8's review
Commented on vskumar's review
It would have been nicer with more details.
Rated on vskumar's review
Rated on manav_dude's review
Commented on manav_dude's review
It is a specification page rather than a review
Rated on girishhegde11's review
Commented on girishhegde11's review
No details of your problems in this short review. Pls update if possible.
Rated on anitatandel's review
Commented on anitatandel's review
So little to read and with absolutely no details of the problems you have faced. Might not help other guys.
Commented on hvnk's review
I completely agree with. As other manufacturers are launching smart devices, no need to be an apple fanboy now a days :)
Rated on hvnk's review
Commented on gg1306's review
Nice review and congrats on your dream vehicle. But I am slightly skeptical about Tata quality. My friend and neighbor has Safari and has suffered major engine problems. My other friend just bought a Nano and it broke down on the way home from showroom; The dealer changed the car immediately t Read More...
Rated on gg1306's review
Commented on chalojai's article
touching & kind A touching and kind incident nicely narrated by you.
The Ice Cream
Commented on kirti.rath's review
one of my fav too
Commented on nidhikaila's review
I was a vf customer for 5 years till the last month. Yes the document issue is there and customer care offices are far from friendly. The only good thing about vf is strong network and real speedy edge.
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Oga Amos (@Az104MouthShut Verified Member)
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Reviews: 6