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Member Since:Feb 16, 2007
0 MS Points
Self, a defence scientist in DRDO who has dedicated a major portion of his life while working in one of the successful missile programmes of the country! I always desire to be a jolly person,willing to take risks for the benefit of others!. Photography &electronic hobbyist,reading thought provoking novels, seeing olden days movies of feelings.
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No No to maruti 800
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800 Duo
It is the simplest form of what a person can conceive of by the four wheeler. This car model has served the middle class Indians for quite a long time! It isRead more...
Reviewed Canon Powershot SX10 IS
This is one of the wonderful camera i have ever handled . The speed of focussing the human like faces even at long distance zoom, as well as the sharpness of Read more...
Microwave ovens - a great boon to todays life
Reviewed Choosing a Microwave Oven
This is an excellent item whichever brand you want to choose-Â only that it should have an autoshut off facility with a sound and a proper volume to support yRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on bipshayl's review
Commented on livehappy's article
your strength! What an experience at such an young age! ---Anybody would have broken down like mad! But you had the strength of mind! A will to go ahead ----
My life..flash back Part 7......the unforgettable day...May, 30, 1973.......
Commented on SRNAIR's article
So simple a poem So simple a poem ! .. But so deep in meaning! Easier said than done ,.. but it has to be done ! It is the only way... to remain unswayed!
Rated on deepak27's review
Rated on livehappy's review
Rated on neil23in's review
Rated on ajit.singh's review
Followed edwardnicky
Rated on chitranjan.patel's review
Rated on SHREEPAL's review
Th crash! Sir, I deeply feel the sorrow you had to face in that young age! It is beyond my imagination how you had felt about it!... God was actually preparing you for the world then~!
Women's day! Sir, talking lightly, when I open the TIMES OF INDIA NEWSPAPER every morning I feel that everyday is 'Women's Day'!
The Ebay case Sir, It is so heartening to see such examples,- such good events do happen even today! Well, as far as I am concerned even today I am scared to buy anything from E-bay or any such e-shopping because of imagining such problems as you faced!- This encourages me .. but where I will get s Read More...
My life..flash back .Part 6....Koodos to Sajit ( hermit)..won the Ebay case!
part5 Sir,You followed may be unknowingly the basics of what all management centres teach !--You were bound to succeed!... Nice events to remember!
My life..flash back .Part 5.....anyone has participated in Donkey race!...
first job! Well, those were the wonderful days of hope courage and ambition!Nice to remember those days of struggle... because now you are so well established!.. can we convert it into a movie?
My life..flash back Part 4......Job hunting!
autobiography! Nice to read abt you sir!..................
A flashback...Part 1...Mouthshut and Me!!.
mobile connection How about some statistics on how many mobile connection per head?... Well, I mean now a days people are having more than two sets with them!
5 Billion Worldwide Mobile Subscriptions in 2010!....
laughter good one!................................
Just for a laugh!....
in flight wi-fi Nice to hear about such technology being incorporated now. Excellent! Thanks for sharing your experience!.. keep writing....
Before I continue Part 4.. Hi from Delta sky! On Delta flight - Atlanta to Pittsburgh!!
Dreams But some dreams wakes you up one day!
Dreams......for you to dream when your boss is not around!
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