Member Since:May 11, 2004
0 MS Points
I am friendly n Inevitable! Unpredictable but easy going!
I am a student and also work as Social Adviser (Non - Profit, Program Development) and help people with psychological problems. Giving advice in academic field, medical & health care (e.g. weight-loss, stress, headaches, fitness, eating habits etc), aversion therapy, occupational therapy, Individual therapy! Hence I help ppl regardin everything!
Career Skills:
Psychology and Human behaviour.(Arts) I'm an Artist! Communication and telepathy, Graphology, Astrology, Food & nutrition, Business studies, Modern languages (can communicate in 13 diff languages), body language, Culture & Religious studies, EMPATHY!
I like ppl to know me as a person I am, not as the way I tell dem who I am.
That's da way I like to know other ppl, da way they are! Not da way they tell me who they are!
I am extreamly bold, easy going, and unpredictable. Therefore I like easy going ppl and ppl who have enuff knowledge n interest to discuss and talk about diff stuff.
I luv changes and I don't like common n ordinary things. Neither do I claim to be totally unique or vice versa but I don't follow the crowd, dats da point! Try to come up with some thing new n unique and I m on!
PS: Never try to ask me personal questions in first meeting. You'll find me extreamly close!
Try to be different!;)
''Live Like a Hawk, Die Like a hawk''!
. Religion, Sports, travelling, Modern art and ancient History, different cultures n languages.
International Relations & Politics, Swimming, seeking knowledge, Sociology & human behaviour, Human rights, Non- fiction & Literary Criticism Books.
Pop, Techno, Rock, Folk and classical Music, Modren n Classical Dance n yes all kinds of cuisines from Mexican to Scottish, Turkish to Italian, from Danish to Pakistani, or Indian to Chinese! Just give me da menu!!