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Member Since:Jul 21, 2001
0 MS Points
I am passionate about writing. I started writing short stories and poetry at the age of 11, and at the age of 13 I wrote my first novel. That novel, entitled ''Going Down Memory Lane'' was accepted for publication in 2003 and was released June 2004. I have about 20 more novels I'd like to get published, and I have over 100 ideas for future novels I'd like to write. I would really LOVE to be able to make a living doing what I love to do, but for now I'm still under the label ''struggling author''. I'm grateful for any and all sales my first book has received and will receive. If you haven't been able to tell, I take pride in what I do, and I'm very pleased with my life so far :). What interests me most is writing. I have written several novels, and my first novel was accepted for publication in 2003, and came out in June 2004. It's called ''Going Down Memory Lane'', and you can visit my website for more information about that :) I also enjoy playing video/computer games, watching movies, surfing the net, listening to music, arts & crafts, and reading. A few of my favorite movies are The Princess Bride, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and many others! My favorite singers are Bruce Springsteen, Kate Bush, Tom Petty, and U2. I don't watch television shows as often as I used to, but some of my favorites are/were Simpsons, Whose Line Is It Anyway, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Hey Arnold, and Fairly Oddparents. I love cartoons :)
About Me
Education: High School Graduate
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As You Wish!
Reviewed The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride is my all time favorite movie. I watched it when I was about seven or eight, and I have loved it since. Its about a young woman nameRead more...
Storybook Love
Reviewed Princess Bride - Mark Knopfler
I bought The Princess Bride soundtrack solely for the song Storybook Love. This is the sung theme song to The Princess Bride, which haRead more...
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow
Reviewed Annie - English
I saw this movie when I was very young, and I still love it to this day. This probably has to do with the amazing cast that Annie has. The cast includes CarolRead more...
Still Going Strong!
Reviewed The Simpsons - TV Serial Star World TV Channel
Can you believe this show is still on the air? Im impressed, personally, and I still love it as much as when it first started. My sister and I are huge Read more...
Reviewed Parachutes - ColdPlay
Is it me, or is Coldplay one of the best bands around today? They have a very unique sound, and I think the singers voice is unparallel to any other artRead more...
The TV People!
Reviewed Poltergeist
My sister and I watched this movie when we were very young, and it still remains one of our favorite movies (along with its sequels). Its really great aRead more...
Earthlink Cable Modem
Reviewed EarthLink ISP
I recently signed up with Earthlinks Cable Access, and I was very surprised at the amazing speed that cable provides! Being used to dial-up and AOL, EarRead more...
Creepy Carrie
Reviewed Carrie
This is a movie I saw when I was a child, and it scared the heck out of me! I recently watched it again, and it is still a terrific scary movie. I love how thRead more...
Up, Up, and Away
Reviewed Peter Pan
As I was going through the list of movies, I couldnt help but smile when I came upon Peter Pan. Remembering watching this when I little, and wishing rigRead more...
Jets or Sharks?
Reviewed West Side Story -Hollywood
This is probably one of the best musicals of all time. I personally, am a big fan of musicals, and although I wouldnt call this one of my favorites in cRead more...
An Hour and a Half I'll never get back
Reviewed Scary
When I saw previews for this movie, I thought it looked hilarious! I think the Wayans brothers are funny, and the supporting cast seemed funny also. But when Read more...
Brilliant and Touching Movie
Reviewed Awakenings Movie
This is one of the most touching movies I have ever seen. Ive watched it numerous times, it never loses the emotional impact it has on its viewers. TheRead more...
Down The Rabbit Hole
Reviewed Alice In Wonderland
Lewis Carrolls classics Alices Adventures In Wonderland is adapted into an animated film by Disney. The book is one of my all time favorites, and Read more...
A Beautiful Story
Reviewed Rain Man
This is one of those movies that as you watch it, you can see why it became such a classic. The story is amazing, the acting by Dustin Hoffman is incredible, Read more...
One Tough Cookie
Reviewed Miss Congeniality
I didnt have any expectations when I sat down to watch Miss Congeniality. I like Sandra Bullock, and I knew the basic plot of the movie, so decided to gRead more...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Movies
Reviewed Imdb
How often is it that you watch a show or a movie, and think, Hey, he looks familiar! or What have I seen this guy in beforRead more...
Share The Music
Reviewed Audiogalaxy
Ever since Napster shut down (or has gone through the process of shutting down), web surfers, like myself, were looking for a new way to share music with frieRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on chitra_786's review
yes ofcourse,i aggree to the review,the body shop brand i am loyal since 10 years,not used any other product since the,the skin clearity what i am getting is excellent.thanks to them.one product annanya body lotion was excellent,but the have stooped since long i want it back
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Commented on own review
Sorry about that! When you suggest a new category and do the review right then, they don't provide the boxes. I will do that asap. Thanks for reminding me! :)
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