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Member Since:Aug 13, 2001
0 MS Points
I'm working in the field of medicine & it is through this profession that I've been a witness to some of Gods wondrous creations---the indomitable human spirit..which shines forth brightly even in the face of adversity. The strength of the human spirit is awesome, the mountains it can move-miraculous...its ironical that it sometimes takes an adversity to bring out the best. So, readers-writers at MS, take note!!!....this marvelous gift is there in you all..... must you always wait for lifes hurdles to uncover its latent strengths???!!! To conclude, I'll add that..Life is like a camera...so, keep smiling always!!!!!! No wonder then, that my prescription for all would be LAUGHTER!!!...coz its the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the mind!!!! Try it SOS ...& you'll be amazed at the results!!! Then perhaps you'll realise that afterall...''Life is for living!!'' So..live it up, folks!!!...You cant get a second chance on that one!!! Cheers!!!!!!. LIFE ITSELF!!! What can be more interesting?!!!! Reading, writing, singing, dancing, drawing, painting -all add up to make life more interesting to me!! Flowers & chocolates are a passion with me, so is nature --- its beauty never ceases to amaze me!!!! My favorite past time however is day dreaming!!..(blame that on my hard core Piscean nature!! )...coz I believe that all great achievements begin with dreams....so if I can dream it, I can accomplish it !!!!!!! By the way, I'm this die-hard perfectionist who believes that anything that is worth doing in this world, is worth doing well !! The latest activity to interest me is cooking!!! alas, a much neglected aspect of my life (what with 2 genius cooks already at home,mom & sis..I've always been assigned the task of being a connoiseur for their culinary delights! )...so I guess I'm a late starter on that one, but since I'm this incredibly fast learner (modesty...go take a walk!!) I'm soon aiming to be on par with them.
About Me
Education: MBBS
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Mans legendary battle with disease has always been on the move, what with newer diseases & organisms being discovered everyday. At a time when viruses like HIRead more...
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AACHOOOO!.Gawd! Not another cold! But before you reach out for the nearest over-the-counter cold remedy, stop!.& think! Have you ever wondered whats the mystRead more...
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WHY USE A SCRUB?? With our skin being constantly bombarded with atmospheric pollutants,all of which accumulate & make the skin dull & lifeless, a facial scruRead more...
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Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on a_i_s_h_w_a_r_y_a's review
Commented on jaya's review
Hey Jaya, That was a really beautiful write up.The sentiments were really touching......Made me aware of the indescribable bond that sisters share!!!..a priceless bond!!!..:-) Yeah,I miss my sis too!!!!!..and wish her all the happiness in life :-) Cheers!!! Neetu
Followed angel009
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Commented on achougoo's review
Wow.....as always,an encyclopaedia of information!!!! Even Bombay Chemicals Pvt ltd wouldnt be able to furnish so much info on their product!!!! Keep up the enlightenment! Cheers!!! Neetu.
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Commented on sputhran's review
Hi Sheetal!! Good to see ur back!!!.. Yeah,i agreed with ur opinion ..the indian clothes there r bright & colourful,but ....the colours do fade,which is quite ironical,since they cost a bomb..so i guess its not really worth it!!!!......Sad,but true! Anyways, a good review.....simple & f Read More...
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